John01W wrote:Is the GCX your switcher/switching your amp? Most people don't set up their amp channel switching this way and have the IA buttons dedicated to effects, eqs, boosts and the like not specific amp channels(boosts are ok).
You would use presets(preset buttons) to switch the footswitch funtions/amp channels on/off, then it will do exactly what you are saying.....
In the setup/expanders menu you would have your GCX 1 enabled(GCX or other)...then when you edit your preset and scroll to GCX 1 and each loop of that gcx will put out cc# controllers to switch your switcher which you'll have 8 per preset per gcx, there's where you will enable/disable footswitch functions. Each preset is a saved combination. I have a 3 channel head and a 3channel preamp with switchable eq and the GCP controls it all fine...the problem is I don't have enough footswitch switchers(Control switcher???? Voodoo?)
I keep my IA buttons for other things, and I really have for some time needed more than the 8 provided. The GCP will do what your trying to do.
First, no, I am not using a GCX, for the time being I am using the relays on the G-Major 2.
I have a feeling I will either going with a Mini Amp Gizmo with the GCX, or the RG-16, as it is a wash price wise.
But I still don't see how the GCX will do what I cannot do as it is. If I use presets then I need a preset for both channels...or technically 3 since I have 3 channels. Thats two presets I have to make...which I probably don't
need. Part of this is probably Mesa's fault for not implementing MIDI into the Mark V, but for a hard and fast set list, what you say would be fine. You could program every sound you need and just go right through the presets and never look back. But for playing out, and playing at home or with the band experimenting, this is going to be a PITA not being able to change channels without having to take my hand and manual push the button of the Amp Gizmo...or use two of my 8 IA buttons and at times push both to change a channel.
I can't use MIDI with my amp while still using the foot controller...and the 1/4" jacks don't do the EFX loop or Reverb. So now I need Instant Access buttons to replace my foot controller. So without either Instant Access buttons, or even better, Grouped Instant Access buttons, I don't see how any of this is possible with a Ground Control Pro...with or without the GCX.
So basically, if that was as confusing to read as it was to type....
I can't truly change my channels while simultaneously allowing the Presets to have control over them.
BTW, I just bought a Pedal Switcher. That thing will be cool to get my Wahs out of the chain. I stress it isn't the quality of what I have seen, its just I think I jumped the gun on what I really wanted since its my first MIDI controller.