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Eventide Timefactor Expression Pedal Delay

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:27 pm
by styxcb

I am trying to control my Eventide TimeFactor with an expression pedal (EB JR.) that's plugged into my Ground Control Pro. I am noticing a delay when trying to control the Expression Pedal features via CC controllers (I go to the heel position and the TimeFactor takes about 2-3 seconds to go from 100 to 0, I go back to the toe position and it takes another 2-3 seconds to go back up to 100). This isn't that big of a deal since I'm mostly using the pedal to increase feedback and wet/dry signal, but I would like to know if MIDI can make it react the same way it would if I'm plugged right into the 1/4" Expression Pedal input.

Please let me know.



Re: Eventide Timefactor Expression Pedal Delay

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:23 am
by JohnClark
Take a look at the Expression Pedal page within any Ground Control Pro preset. Look at the numbers that scroll from 000-127 as you move the pedal... do you see the same delayed reaction on the Ground Control Pro screen?