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Powering the Ground Control Pro

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:25 pm
by Ted82
I need something to power my GCPro while at practice with my band, so I can switch the channels on my Triaxis. I lost the power adapter(who knows when) for the GCpro.

I have 2 options I believe.....Know first that my live rack is using an RG-16 that powers my GCPro via phantom power.

First option would be to buy some adapter for my Triaxis, so that the Tri can send phantom power.

Other option is simply buying something for the GCPro. Will a power plus work? Suggestions please. I'm trying to find info on the Tri adapter on the Boogie Forum.

Thanks, Ted

Re: Powering the Ground Control Pro

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:40 am
by JohnClark
The original adapter for the Ground Control Pro is 9VAC @500mA. It is the adapter that goes with the Ground Control Pro that would connect to the Phantom Power jack on your Triaxis. A Pedal Power AC will power a Ground Control Pro or the high current 9V output of an Pedal Power ISO-5 can be used to power the Ground Control Pro also.