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Expression Pedal controlling loop status?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:30 pm
by newamerikangospel
I have a wah pedal enclosure that I have converted into an expression pedal, with two jacks. One for the pot/rocker, the other for the switch, each going to expression pedal input 1 and 2, respectively. I thought I would be clever and add the gcx as a device, and use the switch to activate loop 3 (turning it off and on like a wah pedal, and being able to remove it from the chain); however, when configured, the gcx is not responding to the input (channel 16, both the CC programs for latching and momentary switching). I will be using a V-amp pro for a midi controlled wah pedal, until I either buy the dunlop rack wah, or find something else. I dont want it in the permanent signal path, hence putting it in the loop; and would like to be able to not have to preset the change, or instant switch it in. Is this possible?

Re: Expression Pedal controlling loop status?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:28 am
by JohnClark
There is no way to make an Expression Pedal port control a loop on the GCX. Once you assign any device to MIDI channel 16, the Ground Control Pro will force the GCX to listen on the next unused MIDI Channel down.
The V-Amp Pro will activate the wah when you move the treadle of the expression pedal if you set the Expression Pedal to Control Change 27. A data value of 0 will turn the wah off, meaning if you rock the pedal all the wah to the heel side (interesting choice, huh?) it will put the wah into bypass.
I believe the Dunlop DCR-2SR is true bypass, but I cannot find any documentation that confirms this. if it is true bypass, you wouldn't need a GCX loop to control it anyway.
I hope that helps!

Re: Expression Pedal controlling loop status?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:05 pm
by Giga
JohnClark wrote:I believe the Dunlop DCR-2SR is true bypass, but I cannot find any documentation that confirms this.
Sorry for intruding. I can help here.

Dunlop claims it's true bypass but I can definately hear a difference between the unit switched off but in the signalpath and taken out of the path alltogether.

Now I hope that thát helps ;-)


Re: Expression Pedal controlling loop status?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:32 pm
by JohnClark
Giga wrote:
JohnClark wrote:I believe the Dunlop DCR-2SR is true bypass, but I cannot find any documentation that confirms this.
Sorry for intruding. I can help here.

Dunlop claims it's true bypass but I can definately hear a difference between the unit switched off but in the signalpath and taken out of the path alltogether.

Now I hope that thát helps ;-)

Without your test conditions noted I feel that I too must continue the intrusion of the normally scheduled program... ;)

I know that on the surface this seems like something may be up with the unit itself, however remember that with true bypass there is nothing to drive your cables...

If you connect your guitar to the input any true bypass device with 20' of cable, then connect the output of this true bypass device to your amp with another 20' cable... this equals 40' of cable with no buffering.
If you pull the 20' cable out of the input of this true bypass device and connect it directly to your amp you are hearing only 20' of cable with no buffering.
Regardless of the cable lengths used, make sure to keep this in mind when making comparisons like this.
Scientists would say "correlation does not imply causation" to sum this concept up nicely. :ugeek:

(not really an :geek: ... I just play one on TV)

Re: Expression Pedal controlling loop status?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:13 pm
by newamerikangospel
Thanks for your response. I will just kick it in on one of the instant access buttons. I did a "proof of concept" with my old digitech gnx, but found that the unneccassary a/d-d/a conversion really "dulled" my tone (since im not using it for anything else other than wah). I can only imagine the behringer doing the same. Once I get the rackwah, I will just run it between the front side input and my loop one.