Hi, I have a problem, I have a Ground Controll and a GCX, wen I call a preset on my triaxis the preset number change and in a milisecond it goes back to preset 1. Any clue if there is a problen with the triaxis or it is a problem with the ground controll.
Triaxis problem
Re: Triaxis problem
Do you have more than one device named within the Ground Control Pro and/or do you have the Triaxis set to respond in Omni mode rather than on one specific MIDI channel?
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------
Re: Triaxis problem
Yes I have the GCX, Rocktron Intellifex, TC G force. I`v been reading the triaxis manual and i looks that it doesnt have an Omni mode... I´v always used the factory presets, never changed anything... someone told me that it could be the Triaxis internal battery
Re: Triaxis problem
Within Setup Mode on the Ground Control Pro, under the Device Name/Channel list, do you have a different MIDI Channel assigned to each device?
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------