configuring stereo output

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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configuring stereo output

Post by rhynobyte »


I have the standard GCX and woukd like to connect the following preamps and effect racks.

-Custom Two channel preamp with odd guitar input and outputs. There is one guitar input for both channels. There is one preamp output for each channel. There is no internal channel switching. Both preamp outputs would have to remain active going into the GCX.

-Hughes and kettner blues master preamp. One guitar input and one preamp output.

-ADA TFX4 effects unit. One guitar input. Mono or stereo output. I would like to use the stereo output on this unit.

-Rocktron Intellifex. mono or stereo input. Stereo output. I would like to use the stereo output.

- Pedals. I'm hoping to have at least one or two loops for a few pedals. MXR carbon copy and an eventide pitchfactor. If on the same loop that's OK as the will sit on top of my rack and I can true bypass either if needed.

- Stereo power amp two inputs and two outputs.

I have a wah, overdrive, tuner and compressor in front pf the preamp not that that has any bearing on the GCX setup.

My issues.

-I would like to always have a preamp signal going to eack left and right input of the power amp even without effects engaged.

-Need the GCX to be able to switch between the three preamps. As said earlier the custom preamp has no switching and will have two mono preamp outputs that will always be active. I'll have to bypass them for switching.

- The TFX4 has only a mono input. How can I configure this so that when engaged the unused stereo side doen't bleed thru as the stero out from te TFX$ is what I would want.

-The intellifex has a stereo input that I would like to use as I'm thinking the effects may be more intense than inputing a mono signal.

My general thoughts are I could always run a mono signal into both effects units as they have the ability to output a stereo signal from a mono input. I would always have to have the preamps going passing trough the effects to get the stereo output. Is it possible to have the signal split to two from each preamp so that I would have stereo output without going through the effects? If so then how can I configure the tfx4 with one mono input to bypass one of the signals while I use it's stereo outputs. This is probably my biggest hurdle as I would love to be able to go straight preamp in stereo at times.

If anyone out there can offer any guidance on this setup I would appreciate it very much.

Best Regards,


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Re: configuring stereo output

Post by JohnClark »

Your setup is almost identical to the Multiple Preamps Stereo Loops Stereo PowerAmp diagram from the GCX page on the Voodoo Lab site. ... werAmp.pdf

By your description of the connections, your custom preamp can be thought of as two preamps that just happen to be in one box. In your case, GCX Loops 5 and 6 could be used to connect the two delays rather than the single processor shown in the diagram. The Y Cable that splits the signal after GCX Loop 6 allows you to drive both sides of the power amp when no stereo effects are active. GCX Loops 3 and 7 would switch your ADA TFX4, with only the send from GCX Loop 3 or GCX Loop 7 feeding its mono input. The GCX Loop with the unused Send connection will mute the dry signal and allow the ADA TFX4 output to be true stereo when it is active. The Intellifex would connect as shown in the diagram to GCX Loops 4 and 8. The Outputs of GCX Loops 4 and 8 could be routed directly to the inputs of the power amp.

Let us know if you run into any troubles or if you have any questions about this setup.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: configuring stereo output

Post by rhynobyte »

Hey John.

Thank you very much for this most detailed and helpful response. I'm heading out now to pickup a couple more cables. I'll post my results when all is hooked up.

Best Regards,


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