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Ground Control and Midi Merge

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:32 pm
by Themetallikid
Thought I'd try here.

I use the GCP to control my Fractal Axe Fx and it works great.

My band plays to a midi track that include backing tracks. It also has the capability to send midi changes. hence being able to automate my patch/lead sound changes for the most part....

If I run a midi cable from the laptop with the tracks to my ground control pro and then from the gcp to the axe fx, would that work for making the correct changes?

someone told me i would have to see if the midi out on the gcp does midi merge...

Re: Ground Control and Midi Merge

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:32 am
by JohnClark
With v1.10 and up, the Ground Control Pro will mirror messages sent to it. However, if there is a massive amount of data it may overflow the MIDI buffer.

Are your MIDI tracks going to directly control the AxeFX rather than remotely recall Ground Control Pro presets? Do the MIDI music tracks have any expression data on them like pitch bend or breath control?

A MIDI Merge is usually done with a separate device that is more like a mixer for multiple MIDI sources. If you have MIDI music files you are playing to a MIDI instrument, then you would likely want to try to keep that MIDI path as direct as possible to avoid buffering problems.

I hope that helps!

Re: Ground Control and Midi Merge

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:38 pm
by Themetallikid
Hey John,

Sorry about the delayed response, lol, forgot I had this post.


The only changes for instance would be to turn on/off effects/amps.
As the setlist changes pretty often, I wouldnt have any patch changes being sent. I run a patch per song. I would still be controlling anything that would need 'expression' type control such as wah/whammy.

Basically it would be sending a single CC#, as on the axe fx I have drive2/delay2/filter2 as my basic lead 'boost' and all on the same CC#. That would be 95% of the changes, and it would be an on/off instance when there are lead sounds needed. Or it would be disengaging amp 1 and engaging amp 2 or vice versa. Nothing too complicated or difficult....

I was asked if my gcp had midi merge capabilities and I havent been able to find out for sure.