Best expression pedal period?

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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Best expression pedal period?

Post by vibratoking »

I have used several volume pedals mainly to control effect volume of a rack mount TC M-One XL via CC. I have not found a pedal that controls the volume evenly over the full sweep. All of the change occurs in a very narrow range. This is perhaps redundant with the post below this. What is the recommended and tested pedal that accomplishes this?

Also, I get a zippering noise when the pedal is moved. This happens on all three of my pedals and does not occur if I used them in the 'normal' way as analog volume control pedals with my guitar plugged directly into them and then connected to the amp input. Do you know what causes this zippering?

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Re: Best expression pedal period?

Post by Ted82 »

These look really nice. I'm going to call them tomorrow and see what they have to say. ... ducts.html

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Re: Best expression pedal period?

Post by Ted82 »

I just ordered the Mission EP-1. I'll post back in here after I get to try it out.

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Re: Best expression pedal period?

Post by espboogie123 »

I use two Mission ep-1 in metal color. One is for volume and the other controls wah or whammy. Works great. You need to let them know that it is for a ground control pro so that they calibrate the pot for it to work a lil better. Or you could do it yourself.

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Re: Best expression pedal period?

Post by vibratoking »

Do the mods or tech support guys at Voodoo care to address this question?

It would helpful to the all of your users to provide a technical explanation regarding the details of the pedal input circuit. Especially what resistance it wants to 'see' in order for a full scale sweep (0-127) to be matched to the full range of the pedal.

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Re: Best expression pedal period?

Post by JohnClark »

I am both the mod and lead tech here at Voodoo Lab. The Ground Control Pro will accept virtually any value potentiometer so there is no one value it needs to see. The Ground Control Pro will apply a voltage across the pot and read the voltage at the wiper to sense the position of the pedal.

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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