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Tap tempo?

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:52 am
by KLO
Hi there.
I recently purchased the GCX + Ground Control Pro and I am now planning how to set up my system. I want to control the tempo of my delay unit through the Ground Control but I would very much like to use another pedal/box like the boss fs-5u or something similar to avoid the noise of the metal switches in Ground Control Pro. Is this somehow possible or is there some other way to fix this issue?

Best Regards

Re: Tap tempo?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:43 am
by JohnClark
You can use the Expression Pedal ports with switches but the switch is unlike any you are likely to find ready-made. If this is all really an attempt for quieter switching in an acoustic or extremely low level environment then the external switch probably will not be much help as it would currently have to be a latching switch.
An immediate solution could be to simply set the Ground Control Pro on a piece of medium density foam to isolate it from a lively floor. If you really want to go to town, you can put light/medium density foam inside the Ground Control Pro between the button board and the main chassis. You would have to be sure not to interfere with the switches and also not to pack too much foam as to warp the board. Let us know how it goes.

Re: Tap tempo?

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:19 am
by Dirtyfingerz
Speaking of which!
I saw on several on-line shops the voodoolab tap tempo box but i can't really find it on voodoo main site. How does it work and what kind of connections does it have?

Re: Tap tempo?

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 9:58 am
by JohnClark
Dirtyfingerz wrote:Speaking of which!
I saw on several on-line shops the voodoolab tap tempo box but i can't really find it on voodoo main site. How does it work and what kind of connections does it have?
The Expression Pedal ports on the Ground Control Pro use TRS (Stereo) jacks. In order for a switch to successfully work with this setup it must be able to connect the Tip to the Ring in one state, and connect the Tip to the Sleeve in the other state. You have three options for a Tempo Switch... The guys at Mission Engineering offer one that is called the TT-Latching, we can make one in a small "MXR" sized chassis (cost is $50) or we can provide a schematic if you want to make one yourself. Good Luck!