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GCP v2 Firmware Support mulitple CC's on IA Switches?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:51 am
by BadMelonFarmer

Seen a few mentions of a Ground Control Pro Firmware V2 coming at some point....

Any chance you could add multiple CC's to the Instant Access switches?

So you could transmit CC's over different channels...much in the same way you do with PC and the Bank Switches??

So if you have say and Eclipse(CH1) and an Axe-FX(CH2) you could press a IA switch and transmit a CC to do something on the Eclipse and enable a Phaser on the Axe-FX ... currently you would need to use PC or two IA swtich presses.

it would also help with TapTempo where you could set a TapTempo switch and set the appropriate CC and MIDI Channel for each device.

heres hoping...


Re: GCP v2 Firmware Support mulitple CC's on IA Switches?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:26 am
by Moff40
I'd love to know this as well. I really need to be able to send multiple CCs on one IA. Right now, I use an FCB1010 with an ElevenRack, and I've been able to program the FCB to enable two effects (O/D and boost for solos) using 1 IA. In addition, I was contemplating adding my M13 to the rack, so it will have to be controlled as well...

But after decades of using "real" pedals, the FCB just doesn't "feel" right - I prefer the tactile feel of "Stomp"-style switches, and I prefer the feel of a "real" wah pedal. So, based on it's ability to control up to 8 MIDI devices, I just bought a (used) GCP, and it's already en route to me. Unfortunately, I didn't even think about the need to be able to send multiple CCs per IA switch until today.

Re: GCP v2 Firmware Support mulitple CC's on IA Switches?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:39 am
by Moff40
This need to go back to the top, just so the folks at Voodoo don't forget... :).

Re: GCP v2 Firmware Support mulitple CC's on IA Switches?

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:08 pm
by Moff40
Back to the top....

Re: GCP v2 Firmware Support mulitple CC's on IA Switches?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:08 pm
by Moff40
One more time to the top. I hope someone at Voodoo gets the hint... :)