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Ground Control Pro + Control Switcher + EVH 5150 III

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:28 pm
by Lapdog

hopefully my english is understandable enough. I recently bought an EVH 5150 III. Since then, i used a MIDI-setup with Ground Control Pro into G-Major and finally into my midi-capable Marshall 6100.

The EVH 5150 complicated my setup for footswitching the channels and FX-loop through my MIDI-setup. So i planned to bought an additional Control Switcher and set it up between the GCP and the G-Major.

The EVH has a 7-pin DIN connector for the footswitch. I found a shematic where the pins are described: ... plyPCA.jpg

In the lower right corner there is the footswitch-connector.

Pin 1 - Channel 1
Pin 2 - Channel 2
Pin 3 - Channel 3
Pin 4 - FX
Pin 5 - GND/Common
Pin 6 - +16 V phantom power
Pin 7 - ???

As in the manual of the Control Switcher, the multi-DIN-output connector:

Pin 1 - Switch 1
Pin 2 - GND/Common
Pin 3 - Switch 2
Pin 4 - Switch 3
Pin 5 - Switch 4

Is it possible using a 5-pin MIDI-cable, changing the wires to match the switching functions? The 5-pin connector fits in the footswitch-jack of the EVH? Pin 6 & 7 are workless then...

Is there an adapter cable from Voodoo Lab for this combination? If it's nothing else then my described adapter, i'd like to save the shipping to Europe and would prepare my own cable, no problem.

Now an even more special question:

As mentioned above, the EVH supllies it's footswitch with 16 Volts via pin 6. Is it possible to build a little circuit into a box to reduce these 16 Volts to the required voltage to phantom power the Control Switcher and the GCP (9 Volts i guess?)? And i can't read out of the shematics, if this phantom power of the EVH 5150 is capable enough to deliver the needed current to supply the two Voodoo Lab devices?

Thanks a lot!


Re: Ground Control Pro + Control Switcher + EVH 5150 III

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:26 am
by JohnClark
We are currently testing a custom cable that will allow you to control all the functions on the 5150 III using a Control Switcher. Feel free to write to to request for more info once it becomes available.

The Control Switcher itself will phantom power the Ground Control Pro.

I hope that helps!

Re: Ground Control Pro + Control Switcher + EVH 5150 III

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:58 am
by Lapdog
I'm glad to hear about the development of this adapter :)

But i found out, that the switching of the EVH happens between Pin 6 (+16 V Phantom) and shortening each pin for the channel or fx. So it might be possible to build an adapter with a 7 pin DIN-connector on the EVH-side and a 5 pin for the Control Switch, routing Pin 6 to the "common" of the Control Switch.

Now a new question: Would the switching through the +16V phantom power damage the Control Switch?

Re: Ground Control Pro + Control Switcher + EVH 5150 III

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:13 pm
by JohnClark
Our cable would absolutely use the Multi jack on the Control Switcher rather than the 1/4" jacks. The main difficulty in getting this thoroughly tested quickly, is that I do not actually have direct access to a 5150 III amp at the moment. :oops:

Re: Ground Control Pro + Control Switcher + EVH 5150 III

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:29 am
by Lapdog
This was my thought, too. An adapter with 5 pin DIN connector for Control Switcher's Multi-Out and 7 pin DIN for the EVH (okay, 5 pin would fit too).

I just bought the Control Switch and now could test my adapter. Just a pitty that all my MIDI-cables have only 3 pins active :x

What i found out about the EVH's switching behavior is, that it uses momentary switching with the "pulse on" mode for the channels and "pulse on/off" for the FX-Loop. I think it's not possible to combine these two modes in the Control Switch which only allows one of the two modes for all four switches. Okay, the switching of the FX isn't so important for me, since i can simply bypass the G-Major by a MIDI-CC.

Re: Ground Control Pro + Control Switcher + EVH 5150 III

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:17 am
by Lapdog
Finally i soldered my own adapter and tested it succesfully :)

As mentioned, the important thing is, to switch the functions against the +16 V phantom power. The "ground pin" (pin 7) from the EVH's switching jack is unused. The control switcher must been set to "momentary mode". Even the FX can be switched perfectly on and off. At first, i wasn't sure if this is possible, but it is.

To switch the functions in the right order with the control switcher, i've drawn the adapter for everyone who is interested in build one. The buttons 1-3 switches the according channel and button 4 is for the FX loop. Please remember that the drawing shows the plugs when you look at it from the front.


Re: Ground Control Pro + Control Switcher + EVH 5150 III

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:14 pm
by EvileOL
Would this be the same for the GCX? was about to set mine up thinking the EVH 5150 III had MIDI capabilities.

Really wanna use this amp with the GCX n GCP

Re: Ground Control Pro + Control Switcher + EVH 5150 III

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:21 am
by TomB
Hi Guys,

I realy want to buy the EVH iii amp.
since my engl invader blew up, this is my new target.

And becouse I built an expensive rig, containing loads of equipment and the GCP and GCX i also want it to switch the EVH iii.

So if theres is any news, on how to connect this.

Please let us know.

Were depending on the great voodoolab guys to adapt to the silly producers over at fender... :)

So far, the gcx and gcp are the best equipment I ever bought.

thanx for the great support .

greetings from Holland.


Re: Ground Control Pro + Control Switcher + EVH 5150 III

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:58 am
by JohnClark
The channels for the 5150 III require a "Pulse On Only" type of momentary action. This means that the Control Switcher can handle the channel switching but a GCX cannot.
Also, a newer version of this amp has been released that is actually directly MIDI controllable.

I hope that helps!

Re: Ground Control Pro + Control Switcher + EVH 5150 III

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:17 pm
by StratMN
so, I created the cable as instructed in this post. things seem to work great, aside from when I switch from channel 1 to channel 3 or from 3 to 1, the amp loses all channels... meaning, none of the LEDs are lit up. I don't have anything plugged in to the amp right now (it's late here) but all the channel LEDs being off can't be right. if I go from channel 2 to 3 and back, it works just fine. trying to go from channel 1 to 3 and vice versa 'loses' the active channel on the amp.

any ideas what's happening here? thanks for any info.