GCX Setup Help

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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GCX Setup Help

Post by axeman8 »

I am in need of some help. I've tried following everything here and in the pdfs but for some reason, I just can't seem to grasp this stuff. I've considered hiring someone to set this up for me, but haven't been able to find anyone locally. I want to have my rig as quiet and efficient as possible. I just am not sure how to accomplish this with what I have and my 2 GCX and GCP. Here's what I have:

2 ISP Decimators
Korg Rack Tuner
Boss TU-2 Pedal Tuner
Digitech Whammy II
Tremonti Wah

Sparkle Drive
EVH Phaser
MXR Flanger/Doubler
Boss Flanger
Boss Tremolo
Boss Delay
Digitech 256XL (For some old patches)
Zakk Wylde Chorus

6505+ two channel switching via the GCX

I believe I should put the phaser, flanger, Sparkle Drive, Whammy II, Wah, a Decimator, chorus, and pedal tuner in front and the rest in the effects loop? The Decimator, pedal tuner, Wah and Whammy wouldn't be toggled on or off through the GCP - I would guess. The effects and OD would?

The more I look at this and try to figure out the routing, the more confused I get. Could someone help?

Thank you!

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Re: GCX Setup Help

Post by JohnClark »

Are you searching for what routing order you should run your effects or are you looking for information on how to connect your ideal routing to GCX loops?

Do you really want to run two tuners? Are the Decimators the "G" series type?
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: GCX Setup Help

Post by axeman8 »

Hi, John.

I am looking for how to connect the ideal routing to the GCX loops preferably in order (even though that's based on one's taste and what they are looking for in sound).

The two Decimators are the standard ones. I had one and picked another one up cheap so that I could have one in front and one in the loop. The price was better than just buying the G-String version with the loop built into it. I guess I do not need two tuners if the one on the pedalboard is always in front of me. Does having two cause problems/extra noise? I've always had the rack version but got the pedal as a gift and was using the mute on it to tune.

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Re: GCX Setup Help

Post by JohnClark »

It isn't a problem to run two tuners, it's just not something I have run across before... if you do keep both tuners we can set it up so that the rack tuner is always running, but fed from a signal split so as not to interfere with your guitar signal. That way you can keep the dancing light show! ;)

I know you mentioned looking at the .pdf drawings, but here is a .pdf drawing to look at...

http://www.voodoolab.com/gcxdiagrams/01 ... _AmpSw.pdf

In this example the first four GCX Loops are routed to the front end of the amplifier, GCX Loops 5 and 6 are routed through the effects loop of the amplifier and GCX Loops 7 and 8 are performing the channel switching duties.
Your setup is virtually identical except for you simply have a different number of things to switch in each section. The GCX Loops are all isolated from each other so regardless of if you have one or four GCX switchers or four or 36 devices to switch, the basic routing idea is the same.
For the front end effects you would chain as many GCX Loops together in series as devices you have to switch, then from the last GCX Loop in the series chain you would run the Out to the front end of your amp.
The same is true for the devices you will ultimately run in the effects loop of your amp. You simply connect the amplifier effect send to the first available GCX Loop, chain as many GCX Loops together in series as devices you have to switch, then from the last GCX Loop in the series chain run the Out to the amplifier effects return.

Where your setup differs mostly is that you will have a small pedalboard out in front of all this. So your initial routing would be to run your guitar to the pedalboard, then run the output of the pedalboard to the Guitar In on the GCX. On the rear panel of the GCX you could use the Guitar Out and Feedthru as a signal split in order to drive both the In of the first GCX Loop in your front end effects series chain and the input of your rack tuner. The output of the Rack tuner will be unused so the tuner will always be running but it will not be in your direct signal path. Bonus: Its display might do some wild stuff when the Whammy is active!

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: GCX Setup Help

Post by axeman8 »

This does help. Thank you. For something like the pedal tuner, wah, whammy, and one of the Decimators, those would just connect to the guitar out front before heading into the GCX, right? I won't need to switch those on or off with the GCX. I would be able to toggle the ISP on or off from the pedalboard if needed, but won't need a loop for that. I think I follow. There's actually going to be a few in's to the GCX, one for the front of the amp and one for the effects loop. The rack tuner idea sounds good, too. Does it matter which out I use to go to that - the feedthrough or the guitar out? I don't need one of these outs to go to the second GCX, do I?

As for the effects and placement, with your experience, how would you route them and what would you place in front and in the loop? I am looking for your personal taste so that I can attempt something a bit more "professional" than my own "hobby."

Again, I REALLY appreciate your assistance. I have another amp that I may want to add to the mix, but that's for later. It'd be cool to blend them at some point in time, but for now, I just want to get my gear working as quiet and in the best way possible.

Thank you, John.

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Re: GCX Setup Help

Post by JohnClark »

I did assume that you would in fact run the pedal tuner, the Whammy, the wah, and the probably the first Decimator out on the floor. The first Decimator is the one that could really go anywhere I suppose, but if you would prefer it under foot it is probably best run at the end of the "on the floor" pedal chain. Do you experience excessive noise that early in your signal path?
I would likely start with running the second Decimator, the 256XL, and the delay in the effects loop of the amp. You may want to experiment with the tremolo and the chorus to find where you would prefer those to be.
The Guitar In on the GCX will split the signal to both the rear panel Guitar Out and Feedthru so it doesn't make any difference which of the rear panel jacks you use to feed the tuner or your first GCX loop. You do not need to feed the second GCX your "dry" signal.

Try it all out and let us know how it goes!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: GCX Setup Help

Post by axeman8 »

Thanks John. I will be working on this sometime this week and will let you know how everything goes.
When you say the "end" of the floor....do you mean the guitar plugs into it or is it the other end that goes into the amp? I always get confused as to where the beginning and the end of a chain is considered.

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Re: GCX Setup Help

Post by JohnClark »

I was assuming that you would run your guitar directly to your pedalboard with the things you want to keep on the floor. The output of the last device on the pedalboard would run to the GCX.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: GCX Setup Help

Post by axeman8 »

JohnClark wrote:I was assuming that you would run your guitar directly to your pedalboard with the things you want to keep on the floor. The output of the last device on the pedalboard would run to the GCX.
Yes, this is exactly what I envisioned. Thank you very, VERY much for your assistance, John.

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Re: GCX Setup Help

Post by axeman8 »

John, how does this look for up front:

Guitar->Tuner->Wah->Whammy->Phaser->Flanger->Sparkle Drive->ISP->Amp ?

Of course I need to try this out and see, but on paper, what are your thoughts? I am trying to plan this out ahead of time and then have a blueprint of sorts to work with when I start connecting things like a madman!

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