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Help with CC / GCP

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:26 am
by jimosity
I have an issue with my setup and I'm thinking that it's related to the GCP / CC pedal...since it gave me a problem with two different effects units.

Here's the first issue that I assumed was related to a G-Major2, continue on rfor more info on the second issue...

My setup:
Guitar -> Egnater M4 -> GMajor2 -> Mesa 50/50 Power Amp

I use a Ground Control Pro to control my rack.
Connected to the GCP, I have two expression pedals (Ernie Ball Jr's).

One expression pedal is configured as CC5, the other as CC7 - yes, both are turned on in the GCP
(I use this same board and both pedals with my AxeFX rig to do the same type of control and it works great)

What I want to do is this:
One expression pedal always used for GlobalOutput Volume.
The other expression pedal for Wah.

I can go into MOD assignment, go to GlobalOutput, hit learn, touch the exp. pedal I want to be used for volume control and it shows up as CC7. Great.
I then go to MOD1 and hit learn, touch the other exp. pedal, it shows up as CC5. Great.

Now - what happens is that it's like for GlobalOutput, the pedals are being shared.
Meaning that one pedal will control the global output volume, but the other if backed all the way off - will bring the volume down a bit as well. So, it's like the GM2 is using both pedals for the same control.
the MOD1 control still works as well, but at the expense of my volume fluctuating up and down - no, there are no other mods assigned to anything, so there are no shared assignments.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?

Second question - is there a way to set up the wah to auto engage?
I know that I can set the FILTER mod to on/off for the exp. pedal, but it only comes on when the exp pedal is moved all the way forward - not sure if there's a On when the midi being sent is say somewhere from 20-127 and anything below 20 is FILTER off??
Then maybe also assign MOD2 to be the filter sweep.
Whatever it takes for auto engage to work - I'm all ears.

Second issue - because of the G-Major2 issue, I swapped it out with my old G-Major.
I removed one of the Ernie Ball Jr's from the GCP so that I'm only using one pedal as a volume control now.
I have it configured as CC7.

I then went into my G-Major and set up GlobalOutput to CC7.
Works fine...or so I thought.
It does exactly as it should, but then out of the blue, it'll just stop working and won't start working again till I switch around to different channels - sometimes it won't work on them either, but after tap dancing around, it'll eventually start working again.

Any of this sound like it could be a problem with the GCP or pedal?

Re: Help with CC / GCP

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:52 pm
by JohnClark
Any time one expression pedal port is affected by the other expression pedal port it is because one, or both, of your expression pedals is connected backward.

Look at the Pedal Screen within any preset for each pedal and rock the opposite pedal around a bit. If the pedal position numbers change when rocking the opposite pedal than the one currently displayed then you will need to swap the In and Out connections on one or both pedals. Because you are using two identical pedals, the chances are that they are both backwards if your Insert Cables are marked with a signal flow direction or have the Tip and Ring marked.

Auto engage for the wah would depend on the processor being capable of this, which I believe is not possible on the G-Major (1 or 2).

For the single pedal stopping problem, does this happen while you are already on a preset where the pedal was previously working or does it only happen after recalling a new Ground Control Pro preset?

Re: Help with CC / GCP

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:11 pm
by jimosity
Thanks John - you're the man.
I did have a ring/tip mix up on one of the CC pedals and one of the presets was not set to have P1 or P2 pointing at the right device - all is right in the world now.