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2 problems!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:28 pm
by stacker
I have 2 issues that I need help with.

#1: I am getting a lag or gap (silence, then the volume quickly swells to normal level) when switching sometimes with my GCP. I am also running a G-major, but I didn't have this problem before. This leads me to my second problem...

#2: I am trying to hook up a Boss FV-500H Volume Pedal, and I just can't get it to work. I am using a TRS cable, and I can get the GCP to read the pedal. The numbers are scrolling from 000 to 128. I cannot however, figure out how to get the G-Major to recognize this thing.

I've read both Voodoo Lab and G-Major manuals several times, but apparently I'm an idiot! I must be missing something along the way, but I have no idea what. I think that while trying many different things to try to get the volume pedal to work, I somehow switched something on either the GCP or the G-Major which is causing problem #1

I know the volume pedal problem has been discussed several times on here, I've also tried to use those discussions , but like I said before, I must be an idiot! I need a "Midi for Dummies" book.

Anyway, thanks in advance!


Re: 2 problems!

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:01 pm
by stacker
After a couple more video tutorials, I finally got it working.

The pedal is a lot less sensitive than when I had it plugged directly in my signal path though. The volume doesn't start to come up until about halfway thru the pedal. Do I have something set wrong?

I still get a bit of a lag on my pitch shifter, but that is the only one.
Is this normal?



Re: 2 problems!

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:33 pm
by unix-guy
Just an tip, but did you know you can control the response curve of the volume pedal when controlling the GM? When you define the CC, you can set what the min/mid/max settings are... Check the manual for details.

Re: 2 problems!

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:48 pm
by stacker
I did get it work a llittle better by adjusting the knob on the pedal, but I will look into that also.


Re: 2 problems!

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:25 am
by stacker
This is an old thread, but I've recently been trying to get a better response from my Volume pedal (Boss FV-500H). I've been trying to figure out how to set the parameter curve for my volume pedal in my g-major, and cannot figure it out. Can anyone help me out? I've read both the GCP, and the G-major manuals and just can't seem to figure this out. Could someone try to explain this to me in lamens terms?

The Volume pedal is plugged into my GCP, which operates my GCX/G-Major. It does work, I am just trying to get a better response out of it.


Re: 2 problems!

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:02 am
by unix-guy
Ok - here is how it works. Keep in mind this is really more of configuring the response curve of a particular parameter on a particular patch, not a "global" response curve for the pedal.

On the GM, select the patch where you want change the pedals response curve

Press the MOD button

Use the outer ring of the encoder knob on the right side of the GM, scroll to select the MOD# / CC# you have defined

Now push the center of the right encoder knob, you should see the 1st item in the "controllable parameters". On my GM, this is "PHA Speed" and it is set to "Off".

Use the outer ring of the right encoder knob to find the parameter on which you wish to change the response curve

After you've scrolled to the parameter, press the center of the right encoder knob

You will see: MAP:MinOut X%

The X will probably be 0. This is where to set the bottom of the sweep. Use the center of the right encoder knob to select the value you want.

Now, use outer ring to move to the next item (by turning it to the right). That should show: MAP:MidOut

This sets the middle of the sweep

Use the same process to go to MAP:MaxOut which controls the high value of the sweep

Lets say, for example, that you are using your pedal to control volume (which makes it more simple as volume goes from 0-100%).

Setting MinOut to 0%, MidOut to 50% and MaxOut to 100% would be a normal, linear curve

Setting MinOut to 0%, MidOut to 75% and MaxOut to 100% would mean you control 75% of the volume from the pedal in full-off to the middle of the sweep, and from the mid to full-on only 25%

For another example (a real one from my GM), I am using a CC pedal to bring a pitch shifter into my mix. I use the following:

Setting MinOut to 0%, MidOut to 25% and MaxOut to 45%

This is a mostly linear curve, but allows me to cap the pitch shifter at a max of 45% of the total allowable.

After you make your changes, remember to save your patch!

Since this is per parameter, you can use the same pedal to control multiple parameters at the same time, and each can have its own response curve... Even backwards (set to 100/50/0 rather than 0/50/100)!

Hope this helps :)


Re: 2 problems!

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:46 pm
by stacker
Thank you very much!
I will give this a shot, when I get home from work tonight.