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New GCP User - Pedal 2 question

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:12 pm
by BCy2k

I recently purchased a GCP with 1.1.2 firmware and I have a couple questions.

I'm using the GCP to control a GSP1101 with a TC Electronic G Major 2 in the GSP FX loop. I'm not doing anything particularly complex. I've got both devices set to midi ch1. I've setup my IA switches on the GCP as desired and they're working fine.

I'm running in the 4 preset/8 IA mode with 2 expression pedals. P1 is set for volume on CC7, P2 is set on CC1. I've checked my setup and both pedals are on. I'm trying to use P2 as a wah controller on the GSP. P1 is a Rocktron HEX and P2 is a BOSS FV-300L. Each is connected to the GCP via TRS cables (both ends). I'm using a 7 pin to 5 pin midi cable to power the GCP (Rocktron cable).

P2 is not working for some reason. I have my settings right in the GSP for the wah (proper midi ch, & CC etc.) as well as on the GCP. Oddly enough, when I disconnect P1, then I'm able to register midi from P2. However when I reconnect P1, I loose midi from P2 to the GCP (and beyond). P1 seems to cancel, or disable P2 when both are connected. I've tried swapping the TRS cables for each pedal and they both seem to work just fine.

I believe this is likely operator error, but I'm not finding where it may be. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Also, where might I find the 1.1.3 firmware update? Is it an EPROM, or a download? Any particular new features of note? Thanks.

- BC

Re: New GCP User - Pedal 2 question

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:20 pm
by BCy2k
I've done a bit more trouble shooting and I still can't understand why I'm not able to use these two expression pedals together.

Another thing I'm noticing is the response curve when using either pedal alone is essentially non-existent. They seem to jump from minimum to maximum without any gradual curve to speak of. Completely unusable and unnatural sounding. They might as well be foot switches. Is there any way to control the response curve of either expression pedal in the GCP?

EDIT - after more searching I found that I needed to swap the tip & ring on one side of my TRS cables. After doing this my HEX pedal is working much, much better.

Re: New GCP User - Pedal 2 question

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:08 pm
by unix-guy
I want to clarify what you mean when you say "I've got both devices on ch1".

You have 3 midi devices: GCP, GSP and GM2. Which do you have on channel 1?

If your intent is to control both the GSP and GM2 via midi, they should be on different channels so that each device knows what midi info is for it.

As for the response curve, that is up to the effect unit to define. On the GM2, when you assign the controller you set min, middle and max positions of control. Never had a GSP so can't comment on that.

Re: New GCP User - Pedal 2 question

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:30 pm
by BCy2k
Thanks for your reply - so about the midi channel thing - I do have all 3 devices on ch1. I've read about people putting each device in it's own midi channel and I guess I'm not totally sure I understand why this is better or necessary.

Audio wise, I have my GM2 patched into my FX loop on the GSP. Also, this is a totally new rig for me. I'm giving these GSP models a go (so I'm using it as a pre-amp for all intents) and running stereo into a Mesa 20/20 into two 1x12 cabs. I'm familiar with midi stuff as it applies to guitar rigs generally speaking, but I've never run a particularly large, complex rig. For now my strategy has been to use the GM2 for certain combinations of FX that I want to be able to kick in/out all at once by simply presetting them and bringing them via an IA switch assigned to that function on the GSP.

I've also been interested in trying to devise a way to toggle between 2 different reverb settings from each device - using the same IA switch. Having say, one device set to do a shorter, thicker verb and the other doing something longer & more ambient. I used to have a slightly different rig and I had a way to do that just using a Midi Mate, VF-1 and an Intellifex. The problem I'm finding with the GM2 is it's CCs are set at the global level - rather than at the preset level - like the GSP does. I'm still puzzling out how best to do this.

I recognize the multi-midi channel capabilities of the GCP, I really don't get why each device needs it's own midi channel - would you mind educating me on what this added functionality brings and how you guys typically take advantage of it?

BTW - I have 2 PL1770s (both modded) and I think they're one of the most underrated guitars Ibanez ever made

Re: New GCP User - Pedal 2 question

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:46 pm
by unix-guy
Each device you control generally needs to be on its own channel. The reason is simple: if you send a midi program change to preset 1, do you want BOTH devices to change to patch 1? If they are both on the same channel, they may or may not depending on if one is connected to the other via a midi out or a midi thru (and also the midi implementation within that device).

If each is on its own channel, then only the device on that channel will change, which is what most people want.

If you use a CC to turn something on or off you won't need to worry that both devices respond to that change.

On the Proline topic, I have a nice 1986 PL1770 - beautiful guitar and excellent quality. I replaced the pickups with some Sabre pickups and also put a Wizard neck on it, but even totally stock it's a really good instrument.

Re: New GCP User - Pedal 2 question

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:02 pm
by BCy2k
unix-guy wrote:
Each device you control generally needs to be on its own channel. The reason is simple: if you send a midi program change to preset 1, do you want BOTH devices to change to patch 1? If they are both on the same channel, they may or may not depending on if one is connected to the other via a midi out or a midi thru (and also the midi implementation within that device).
I see - I actually do set up my presets so that they both change to the same preset #. From there I program each preset on each device to do what I want with regard to their initial state and then create as many useful "add-on" fx options as the devices will allow, and control them on each unit via instant access switches.

Also - re changing both devices to preset 1, all the devices I've ever used also have their own internal midi mapping. So if I wanted preset 1 on the GCP pull up preset 55 on the GSP, and preset 32 on the GM2, that can still be accomplished with a single midi channel and the internal midi mapping on the GSP & GM2. To me - this is simple. This is partly why I still don't get what I'm supposed to do with all these layers of multi-midi control for each device.

The way I currently do things - my dilemma is, one device allows me to set up my midi CC options on a per preset basis (the GSP) while the GM2 CC implementation is set & forget on a global basis. On the GM 2 what I assign in one preset will apply to EVERY preset. So I have to actually think about how I'm going to get the most out of my precious few CC controller options the GCP affords me. If there's a way to communicate with each device from the GCP simultaneously (each on their own midi channel) AND control them simultaneously using the same IA control(s) that would be just what I'm looking for.

If this is actually do-able, I'm not understanding how I would go about it and I'd love to learn more.

Re: New GCP User - Pedal 2 question

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:10 pm
by unix-guy
Well, your approach will work, too :)

Re: New GCP User - Pedal 2 question

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:49 am
by JohnClark
If you are going to map your patches on each device and control them both on MIDI Channel 1, make sure to set up the Ground Control Pro with only one generic device that sends on MIDI Channel 1. Having two named devices assigned to the same MIDI Channel in the Ground Control Pro can cause problems.

Good Luck!

Re: New GCP User - Pedal 2 question

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:59 am
by BCy2k
JohnClark wrote:If you are going to map your patches on each device and control them both on MIDI Channel 1, make sure to set up the Ground Control Pro with only one generic device that sends on MIDI Channel 1. Having two named devices assigned to the same MIDI Channel in the Ground Control Pro can cause problems.

Good Luck!
I noticed this when I actually got curious and tried it - LOL.

Anyway - it was a post of yours in another thread about the HEX that led me to the solution I needed (swapping the ring & tip one one end) - so thanks for that John!

I do see how I might use different midi channels if I wanted dedicated IA switches for dedicated functions on specific devices, but I think I'm getting more out of my rig by controlling the entire rack as a unified system for now. Always good to have those options available though, because I can see my approach changing under certain circumstances.

If I could have custom assignments for IA switches set per GCP preset (like we have for P1 & P2) then I could really go nuts with what I'd like to be able to try. I may never sleep again. ;)

Re: New GCP User - Pedal 2 question

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:23 am
by BCy2k
What about the firmware update? I have 1.1.2 - how does one get the 1.1.3 update and what are the new features of note?

Thanks - BC