Hi there
I am just wondering if there is someone here that use Damage control's Glass Nexus.How happy are you with it and does GCX and Ground control pro do good job?
I am new to this so if somebody could help with wiring I would certainly appreciate it
GCX/Ground control?/Glass Nexus
Re: GCX/Ground control?/Glass Nexus
I'm using the Glass Nexus with the GCX and Ground Control Pro and it works/sounds great! The only minor complaint I have is that there are no in/out level controls on the Nexus, so matching dry and wet levels is difficult, but that's nothing to do with the GCX/Ground Control.
I have it set up so that the Instant Access switches (top row) select Delay, Reverb and Mod on/off, and the presets switch the pre-programmed effects patches via MIDI also, so I can select a preset with an effects patch on the Nexus, then switch either Delay, reverb or Mod effects on and off within that preset if I want.
I'm using the Glass Nexus with the GCX and Ground Control Pro and it works/sounds great! The only minor complaint I have is that there are no in/out level controls on the Nexus, so matching dry and wet levels is difficult, but that's nothing to do with the GCX/Ground Control.
I have it set up so that the Instant Access switches (top row) select Delay, Reverb and Mod on/off, and the presets switch the pre-programmed effects patches via MIDI also, so I can select a preset with an effects patch on the Nexus, then switch either Delay, reverb or Mod effects on and off within that preset if I want.
Re: GCX/Ground control?/Glass Nexus
Does somebody have any idea to fix this minor issue with levels??
Line level shifter?
Line level shifter?