tech21 midi mouse with GCX

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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tech21 midi mouse with GCX

Post by ashtei »

Is it possible to control the from Tech21 midi mouse, or from Nobels MF-1 Midi Controller?
I set channel 16 of both pedal and press 1-128 pedals,
but GCX's LOOP/SWITCH STATUS LEDs doesn't led at all.

Is this means my GCX is broken ?

Help me...

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Re: tech21 midi mouse with GCX

Post by BurnTheSky »

You need to send Control Changes (80-86 for normal operation of the GCX loops), while AFAIK both the Midi Mouse and the Nobels Controller are only able to send Program Changes, which makes them unable to control the GCX.

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