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Multiple amps and Multiple effects

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:15 pm
by Grinderaxe
I'm trying to figure out how I can get my delays,Reverbs,chorus,flangers..etc to be shared in the effcts loops of two amplifiers!...that is two effects loops!

Can this be achieved with a GCX...( I have three....I can go for a fourth if it will resolve this issue)

Or would a line mixer do the trick?

I'm not looking to build a Wet/Dry/Wet rig or even a stereo rig....!

I just wish to share my time based effects with two amps...use the amps either alone or together and not have to purchase seperate effects for each amp...

I've been trying to read up on this for awile now and I just get more lost in the sauce the more I read up on this....

I'm very interested in the Line mixer equation but I really need to know in my mind what and how I'm going to achieve this before I purchase any gear I might not understand1

If anybody has any suggestions or theories my ears are wide open and it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks ,Mitch W.

Re: Multiple amps and Multiple effects

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 10:02 am
by nyteowl
Grinderaxe wrote: I'm not looking to build a Wet/Dry/Wet rig or even a stereo rig....!

I just wish to share my time based effects with two amps...use the amps either alone or together and not have to purchase separate effects for each amp...
Unless I miss my guess, you'd be living dangerously by running a single group of effects through the FX Loops of two different amplifiers simultaneously, because you would be co-mingling the two PreAmp signals going into the effects, and when coming out of the effects you'd be returning the already co-mingled signal back to the two Power Amp sections of your amplifiers for further co-mingling, which is generally not a very good idea.

One method of using a mixer would be to run all your time-based effects in the Effects Loop of the mixer itself. Then you can mic each amp and add the desired level of effects to each amp channel via the individual channel FX Send controls, while using the Master FX return to control the degree of "wetness," thus running your effects in parallel.

Hope this helps...

Re: Multiple amps and Multiple effects

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 2:31 pm
by Grinderaxe
Thanks for your input!

I'm going to go seperate effects for the two effects loops.....thereby using the two Amps together or seperate. They sound great alone or together!!

I'm still interested in the w/d or w/d/w rigs but that's further on up the road.....and I'm curious about Line Mixers.....such as CAE's dual/stereo mini mixer and Mark L's dual stereo line mixer...I just want to understand how these devices work and how to implement them before investing in them.

In my reading about Line Mixers somewhere I got the impression that they can be used to combine Multiple effects into multiple amplifiers.

I visit a lot of forums and this place is the best place to go as far as I have found and besides ...I love Voodoo Lab Products......I wished they'd make an expander for the GCP though....I wonder if two GCP'S can be hooked up together?

Anyway thanks Nyteowl

Mitch W.