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GCX or RJM for my rig? HELP!
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:47 pm
by sitnonair
Hello Everyone, I'm new to this forum and was hoping to get a few questions answered. My rig is kinda old school compared to today's standards. I have a Mesa Triple Rec 3 channel and a 5150 signature that I would like to use together and be able to switch amp channels, pedals, and digital rack gear. How many GCX units would I need and will the GCX do what I need it to do or do I need to spend the extra bucks and get the RJM's new Rack Gizmo? Oh Yeah, I have 5 pedals and a wah wah so far. Picture Below! FYI I'm saving up for an Axe Fx II which will be added in the near future!
Any help or advice would be helpful! Thank you!
Re: GCX or RJM for my rig? HELP!
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:51 am
by nyteowl
RJM makes nice stuff, but what I dislike the Effect Gizmo, and its predecessor the RJM16 is, the first 8 loops on the Gizmo and the first 4 loops on the 16 are wired in series, which in my opinion make them somewhat less versatile than a GCX. There is also the fact that you could buy two new GCX units for the price of a single new Effect Gizmo, and you could save even more money buying used GCX units, which are always available.
A pair of GCX units would give you more versatility for a smaller cash outlay, so that's what I would suggest, although I also strongly suggest you download and review the manuals before making a purchase so you can get a handle on how the respective units will work for your particular application.
Also, if you intend to add an Axe FX II to your rig soon, I would most definitely buy the MFC-101 MIDI Foot controller as opposed to a Ground Control Pro.
Re: GCX or RJM for my rig? HELP!
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:35 pm
by sitnonair
Thank you very much for your response. I was thinking about the two GCX units but was hopping to save space in my rack with just one piece of gear that can do everything I need it to. If I do get the Axe Fx II I will also get the MFC 101 controller. Does the Axe Fx II and MFC 101 work well with the GCX products?
Re: GCX or RJM for my rig? HELP!
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:59 am
by nyteowl
I suspect the most versatile, and consequently most expensive, switching unit available may be the Switchblade GL from Sound Sculpture. 16 loops in a single rack space, but you could probably pick up a half dozen used GCX units for what you'd spend on one of these, and I don't see used Switchblade units up for sale very often.
A GCX will work with most any MIDI foot controller, and the Fractal MFC-101 is one of the most versatile units on the market today.
Re: GCX or RJM for my rig? HELP!
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:38 pm
by sitnonair
I've never heard of this company or switcher before. Boy are you right about being able to purchase several GCX or RJM units for the price of one Sound Sculpture Switchblade GL. I visited there website and man does it sound amazing. I'm leaning more towards the GCX unit at this point, a for money, and b, because it can do what I need it to do. Thank you for all your guided wisdom and insight! Now I need to find some for sale at a great price.
Re: GCX or RJM for my rig? HELP!
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 5:00 am
by nyteowl
Yeah, that price tag is what keeps me away from the Sound Sculpture GL. I'd like to try one someday, but for my situation it's simply not a justifiable expense.
There are always a few used GCX units on eBay in the $250-$300 range.
Let us know how you make out...
Re: GCX or RJM for my rig? HELP!
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:20 pm
by sitnonair
Maybe if I was on tour or something like that would justify purchasing one. I've been looking around for a couple cheap GCX units to add to my rig. Maybe even a Ground Control until I purchase my Axe Fx II MFC 101 controller. Keep you posted on my journey. I may need some help hooking everything up!
Re: GCX or RJM for my rig? HELP!
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:28 pm
by sitnonair
Can you tell me by my picture how many GCX units I would need to control my setup?
Re: GCX or RJM for my rig? HELP!
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:33 am
by nyteowl
With all the things you want to control, I don't think one GCX will be enough. Two at least, or maybe one and a Control Switcher.
Re: GCX or RJM for my rig? HELP!
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:19 pm
by sitnonair
I just purchased my first GCX unit on eBay. What if I just control everything in my picture minus the 5150 amp. Do I still need two GCX units to control everything?