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Pod HD500 controling triple rec via control switch HELP

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:01 pm
by JACTguitarist
Ok so I've done some searching on the web, forums, and have come up empty handed. I want to know how I to setup my HD500 to control the mesa. I have the Voodoo Lab's Control Switch. but I can't seem to get the voodoo lab and the pod to talk. Im new to midi, So Im sure Im doing something completely wrong.. Any tips would be great..
Thanks gang

Re: Pod HD500 controling triple rec via control switch HELP

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:10 am
by nyteowl
The default MIDI Channel on the Control Switcher is Channel 1, but I suggest you verify that your unit is actually on Channel 1 by following the instructions on Page 9 of the Control Switcher manual.

Please refer to Section B•5 of your HD500 manual titled
Using POD HD500 as a MIDI Controller Device. Please note that all changes made on the MIDI Assign screen are saved on a per Preset basis, so you will have to repeat these steps for each preset.

First, using the NAV buttons, select the preset you wish to edit.

Then, using the MIDI Channel (Knob 1) set the MIDI Channel to Channel 1.

Then, using the Message Type (Knob 2) select MIDI CC.

Finally, using the CC/Program/Bank # (Knob 3) enter the CC# value for the Control Switcher switch you wish to turn on. See page 11 in the Control Switcher manual for the requisite CC numbers. The defaults are 80 thru 83 inclusive.

That should get these pieces talking to each other and the Triple Rec changing channels for you.

Re: Pod HD500 controling triple rec via control switch HELP

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:15 pm
by JACTguitarist
Hey thanks for the tips.. I did end up getting it to work in both PC and CC modes. And It was me making lil mistakes. But thanks again :)

Re: Pod HD500 controling triple rec via control switch HELP

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 6:08 am
by nyteowl
More often than not, a little experimentation and/or trial and error is all it takes to figure things out. Glad to hear you're up and running.