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Help w/GCX, GCP, Control Switcher, Mesa Triple Rec 3 channel

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:37 am
by sitnonair
So I'm having difficulty programming my control switcher to switch all three channels w/solo of my Mesa Triple Rec controlled by my GCP. Any advices on how to overcome this issue? Thanks!!!

Re: Help w/GCX, GCP, Control Switcher, Mesa Triple Rec 3 cha

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:26 am
by nyteowl
According to the manual I found on line, your Triple Rec has five external switching jacks, one each for Channels 1, 2, and 3, one for Solo, and one for the FX Loop.

Your Ground Control MIDI Out should be connected to your GCX Pedal In and the GCX MIDI Out should be connected to your Control Switcher's MIDI In. You will need to configure your Ground Control so the Control Switcher is identified as Device 1 (See Pages 6 and 7 in your Ground Control manual).

Connect patch cables from Jacks 1 thru 4 on the Control Switcher to the Channel and Solo jacks on your Triple Rec. Program four IA buttons on your Ground Control to send the appropriate CC messages to the Control Switcher (see Page 11 in your Control Switcher manual). Verify you are using the correct Switch Functions (See Page 8 in the Control Switcher manual) and you should be good to go.

Re: Help w/GCX, GCP, Control Switcher, Mesa Triple Rec 3 cha

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:31 pm
by sitnonair
I have done all of this, but for some reason I can't figure out why I'm not able to switch my amp channels using my GCP..... It's all confusing to me now. I think I need a drink... Lol! Also how do I get my GCP,GCX to recognize my Rocktron Intellifex? So much complications.

Re: Help w/GCX, GCP, Control Switcher, Mesa Triple Rec 3 cha

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:02 am
by nyteowl
sitnonair wrote:I have done all of this, but for some reason I can't figure out why I'm not able to switch my amp channels using my GCP..... It's all confusing to me now. I think I need a drink... Lol! Also how do I get my GCP,GCX to recognize my Rocktron Intellifex? So much complications.
Have you identified the Control Switcher as a MIDI device on your GCPro?
Are the GCPro and Control Switcher set to communicate on the same MIDI Channel?
Can you change channels on your amp using the manual switches on the front of the Control Switcher?
Have you identified the Intellifex as a MIDI device on your GCPro?
Are the GCPro and Intellifex set to communicate on the same MIDI Channel?