If I have an older firmware chip around after an upgrade

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If I have an older firmware chip around after an upgrade

Post by carstenlange »

What can I do with the older firmware chip? Been looking a lot at thos DIY adurino midi kits and also the the one from Livid.......

but than I thought to myself, I have one of those chips already programmed. Could I use the old firmware chip from a GCP and try to make my own midi board with it?

Basically take out the one below and put in the voodoo lab one?

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Re: If I have an older firmware chip around after an upgrade

Post by JohnClark »

I seriously doubt that a Ground Control Pro chip would work in anything but another Ground Control Pro. There is no way, short of purposely cloning, that another manufacturer would have all the pins assigned to the same tasks.

Without even looking up any of the spec details I can certainly tell you that the device in the posted pic there definitely won't work as the chip you pulled out of the Ground Control Pro is a 28 pin DIP package and the one in the pic is a 40 pin DIP.

Let it go man, cause it's done ;)
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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