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Mesa boogie mark v 25 and Voodoo lab control switcher

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:59 pm
by Aezrel
Hey guys,

First post here, I'm looking for a midi solution for the new mark v 25, and I stumbled upon the voodoo lab control switcher. Would this work with the mark v 25 to switch channels through midi? I think that the footswitch jack is a 1/4" mono, like the mini rectifier (correct me if I'm wrong, haven't received the amp yet). Would this be possible or do you suggest any other solution?

Best regards

Re: Mesa boogie mark v 25 and Voodoo lab control switcher

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:54 am
by midifail
I use the Control Switcher with my Mesa Boogie Express+ - works very good.
Very nice: I can power my GCP via Midi.