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GCP SysEx format?

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:39 pm
by griphiam
I'm wondering if anyone has made an attempt at reverse engineering the GCP sysex dump format (or someone from voodoo have a spec that they would be willing to share).

I am interested in building a config editor. I recently reverse engineered the TriAxis sysex format and built a web preset editor ( and I was hoping to build the same for the GCP. The GCP format is a lot more complex than the TriAxis, so I wanted to check if anyone in the community had made an attempt before I made a brute force attempt.

I've looked at some initial hex dumps and I understand the general gist, but there are a lot of configurations with audio switchers and VCAs that I don't have the equipment to test myself.

From googling, someone had built a PC editor a long time ago and the binary is no longer available. The editor I would build would be a web application (similar to my TriAxis editor) so it would never be dependent on hardware.



Re: GCP SysEx format?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 5:23 am
by nyteowl
I'd be most interested in following your progress on this, Mark. Hopefully, someone at VL will be able to provide you with the info you seek.

Re: GCP SysEx format?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:20 pm
by griphiam
Just an update: I've been able to reverse engineer the basic structure of the syx dump. Right now, I can do the following:

-- Set names of devices
-- Set midi channel of devices
-- Set preset name
-- Set device program changes for each device in each preset

I know this skips over a bunch of other functionality (in configuration and presets), but since I don't have a GCX or pedal, this is the best I can do with the equipment I can test with.

When I make the web application, I will preserve the regions that contain those parts of the configuration so it's not overwritten. Thus, if you need to configure those aspects, you can do so with the GCP directly and not worry that the preset editor will destroy it.

I should have a basic web application done in the next few weeks (depending on my schedule). I still need to come up with a decent UI that will allow you to manage 200 presets (reorder, copy, etc).


Re: GCP SysEx format?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:53 pm
by JohnClark
PM sent

Hit me back and I'll make this easier for you!

Your TriAxis editor looks awesome, BTW!

Re: GCP SysEx format?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:55 am
by simspace
griphiam and JohnClark,

Would either of you please share the GCP SysEx format with me?

I'm working on a native Mac GCP editor with drag-n-drop functionality, but I am having a hard time figuring out the GCP SysEx format.

I can PM you guys my email / contact info.

Thanks so much,

Re: GCP SysEx format?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:38 am
by JohnClark
PM me your email address and I'll get you what I have.

p.s. Will you be sharing your editor?