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Is anyone using the GCP to control lighting?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:32 am
by The Blue Letter
Hey I was just wondering if anyone out there is using their Ground Control Pro to control any lighting during a live show? If so, what sort of lighting controller are you using?

I've found plenty of MIDI lighting controllers online, but it seems that none of them really respond to Program Changes. Everything out their seems to be designed to work with a keyboard or a laptop and only responds to note on/off commands or CC messages.

I know that the GCP can send CC messages, but I'm not sure how that would work with the lighting aspect of things.

If anyone could shed some "light" on the subject - sorry for the bad pun :D I would greatly appreciate it.

Or John - maybe Voodoo Lab could start making a lighting controller that would work with the GCP? That would be fantastic!!!

Thanks for any input!

Re: Is anyone using the GCP to control lighting?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:49 pm
by JohnClark
The easiest way I know of would be to use a MIDI Solutions Event Processor to convert Control Change or Program Change messages to the Note On/Off messages that seem to be standard for lighting rigs.

I hope that helps!

Re: Is anyone using the GCP to control lighting?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:49 pm
by The Blue Letter
Thanks John. I will look into the events processor.

But seriously it would be amazing if you guys would make something. I am sure there would be tons of people out there that would be interested. Even if it was something as simple as something like a MIDI controlled power strip set up almost like a Furman power conditioner, where you could turn on or off each receptacle with a MIDI PC command.
