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Pedal order for GCX?

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:25 am
by CAR-15
I have the following pedals in my GCX. They go from loops 2-7 and here is the current order"

Guitar plugs straight in to the input of channel 2, then the pedals go like this:

EHX LPB boost


EHX Doctor Q - Autowah

MXR Carbon Copy delay

MXR phase 90

MXR Auto Q - Autowah.

Then out to the amp.

Seems like the LPB Boost isn't doing *. Maybe its a bad pedal?

When I try to use my Delay and Phase 90 on the clean channel it sounds muddy.

Just not sure if the pedals need to be in a certain order.

Re: Pedal order for GCX?

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:00 am
by nyteowl
Pedal order is totally subjective, and I tell everyone the same thing: Put them in whatever order sounds best to you.

I would, however, suggest you experiment with where you put the boost in your signal chain. I think you'll find it works better farther in, as first in line I suspect all it's doing is boosting the guitar signal you're feeding to the Micro Pog.

Re: Pedal order for GCX?

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:44 pm
by Meanoldfireman
Double check the cables in the loop. It might not be the pedal.