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Px-8 and delay

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:41 am
by bigtrex76

I am seeking some answers about purchasing the px-8.
I know gig rig and the new boss es-8 allow for delays to trail off, however I am more interested in the px-8. So I currently have a Flashback x4 and you can set the pedal to where when you disengage the pedal your notes trail off. How can this be done with the px-8?

Any help would be great.


Re: Px-8 and delay

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:51 am
by JohnClark
PX-8 by it self will not do trailing delay or reverb. A small pedal type mixer could be added to accomplish the parallel routing.

Alternatively, if you are using the buttons on the Flashback X4 to recall different presets and such, I would probably just run it outside of the PX-8 and set the pedal itself to do the trailing type bypass.

I hope that helps!

Re: Px-8 and delay

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:46 pm
by bigtrex76
Yes that makes sense thanks.

Re: Px-8 and delay

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:47 pm
by bigtrex76
Is there anything in the voodoo line I am missing for this? If not how would you set up a mixer for this type of delay trail.