Problem looping with Voodoo Lab Ground Control System

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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Problem looping with Voodoo Lab Ground Control System

Post by fyfe »

I think that is a difficult question, but if someone knows how to solve it...

I have the Voodoo Lab Ground Control System.

I´d like to use with the controller (Ground Control Pro).

6 pedals (to use pressing 1 -> flanger, 2 -> chorus, 3 -> reverb ....)

And also use a Sansamp Psa1 (in channel /button 7) and a Lexicon Mx-300(in channel/button 8)

With midi... to swicth on/off and change up/down their presets witouth loosing the pedals system....

How do I do that?
Anyone knows?

Can someone give me a light?

How I will do the midi cablement with the Audio Switcher and the lexicon and sansamp?

Thanks for the attention

Ps: There´s and attached with a simple and horribel draw of what I´m tryinn to do

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Re: Problem looping with Voodoo Lab Ground Control System

Post by n00b »

what about setting it up for instant access with a gcx and that should take care of your 6 pedals while allowing you to still scroll thru the presets of the lexicon and sansamp with the bottom pedals? only thing is that you'll have the banks in sets of 4, instead of 10, so it might be a little more confusing if you're awful at math like me! LOL :lol:
what I did was set up the instant access for a couple different switching operations (eg pedals and audio signals) on the top 8 buttons, and then combined them with the presets i wanted via midi, so say, i have the first song with 3 presets, i'll program the audio switching that i want, and have the presets also change (if needed...often they are!) so that i can change totally different sounds, all at once....but that's a personal preference...if not i guess you can use the method works, but you might need a little math refresher! LOL :D

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Re: Problem looping with Voodoo Lab Ground Control System

Post by JohnClark »

If you disable the GCX in your Ground Control Pro presets then the loops will stay as you have set them while the preset button will only recall patches on your processors. You will not be able to simply scroll through the patches but you can program the presets sequentially if that helps.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: Problem looping with Voodoo Lab Ground Control System

Post by fyfe »

But how do I configure these operations?

That´s my question too lol :?:

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