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Wet/Dry/Wet rig
Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:15 pm
by iceman78
I want to change my rig from a Wet/Dry to a Wet/Dry/Wet.
Can I do this using the same preamp but two power amps, one that drives a Dry cab and one stereo that drives two Wet cabs?
I'll do all by my Mastermind PBC.
Re: Wet/Dry/Wet rig
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:47 pm
by JohnClark
This should be possible, you will just need to split the "dry" signal at the appropriate point, one to drive the "Dry" power section, and the other to drive the effects that will go to the "Wet" power sections.
I hope that helps!
Re: Wet/Dry/Wet rig
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 9:47 pm
by valleykraft
If you PM me or just reply with your equipment list we can design a layout and diagram for your system. We usually consult for a fee since I'm on my vacation right now and it's a stress reliever for me to do these diagrams I would be more than willing to help you out. At least if you decide to build it yourself you will have a proper diagram and a list of items you will need to make this work. Our main guitar system design and fabrication company is called Precision Instruments, LLC. out of North Hollywood, CA. and I am based out of Scottsdale, AZ. at our sister company, ValleyKraft, LLC. We are new to this forum but have been around in the industry for over 26 years. Let me know what you have and I can help you out.
Precision Instruments, LLC./ValleyKraft, LLC.