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Expression Pedal Not Working on some patches

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 8:28 am
by 29sept74
I am using my GCP with Eleven Rack. I am using an Ernie Ball expression Pedal linked to P1. The GCP P1 port is set to 'On'. The volume pedal works fine for some patches but not for others. I have checked the patch in Eleven Rack and the volume pedal is on and shows it's working in the Eleven Rack UI. I have saved the preset with the working volume pedal in Eleven Rack, but as soon as I switch to that patch from GCP it stops working. Seems there is something in GCP that overrides the Elevn Rack settings for the volume pedal. Ideas?

Re: Expression Pedal Not Working on some patches

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:30 am
by JohnClark
The Expression Pedals are programmable on each preset for the target device and function... so on a Ground Control Pro preset that isn't working correctly, what is the Expression Pedal programmed to do?

1. Recall a preset that isn't working as you would like.
2. Press and hold the Edit button, release once the screen changes.
3. Press the Select Down button repeatedly until you see the Expression Pedal port you want to check out... P1, or P2.
4. The first three digits indicate the current pedal position, the next set of numbers indicates the Control Change message the Expression Pedal will send on.
5. Press the Cursor Right button to get to the next screen to see which MIDI Device the pedal is set to work with.

Let us know what you find!

Re: Expression Pedal Not Working on some patches

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:01 pm
by 29sept74
That's it! Thanks!