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GCP, GCX, and G Major
Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:39 pm
by thorny
Setting up my rig. I don't need my GCP to switch my amps channels as I only run the clean channel. I want to program my GCP to call up the user presets on my G Major. I will have my GCX controlling a Fulltone OCD for my classic rock tones and my Boss Metal Zone for the heavier stuff. Lets say I want the number 1 button on my GCP to call up number 1 user preset on the G major and switch on the Boss Metal Zone. Number 2 button to call up preset number 2 on the G major and to turn off the metal zone for a clean sound. Number 3 button for user preset 3 on the G major and turn on the OCD for my classic rock tone and so on. Can I set it up this way?
Re: GCP, GCX, and G Major
Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 2:00 pm
by JohnClark
That is exactly the sort of thing the Ground Control Pro and GCX will allow you to do. In fact, the Ground Control Pro will control the G-Major as described directly from the box, after first telling the G-Major to recall presets from the User bank rather than the Factory bank. Once you have the GCX enabled within the Ground Control Pro you can incorporate GCX loop status with the Preset. A Ground Control Pro preset can recall any G-Major patch within the selected bank as well as set the status of the GCX loops. Check out the Edit Preset section of the Ground Control Pro manual for information on controlling the G-Major patches (Assigning MIDI Program Changes) as well as selecting GCX loops (Controlling the GCX Guitar audio Switcher). Let us know if you get stuck.
Re: GCP, GCX, and G Major
Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 2:51 pm
by thorny
Thanks John!