Ibanez Tube Screamer TS9 buzz with ISO-5

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Ibanez Tube Screamer TS9 buzz with ISO-5

Post by kaudio »

I just got the ISO-5 and everything works great, except that I am now getting a big buzz sound when I use my Ibanez Tube Screamer TS9 (c1997). No buzz when it's off, but only when the pedal is pressed on does it buzz. When plugged into my old power supply there is no buzz (but 3-4 of my other pedals make extra noise with that old crappy power supply!) All of my other pedals sound impressively clean now with the ISO-5, but just the TS9 is giving me problems. I'm using the standard black cable in a regular 9V slot. I've tried switching different outputs on the ISO-5 and even switched out my audio cables, but still nothing seems to do the trick. I'd hate to use my old power supply for just this one pedal, but at the moment it's the only solution.
Any suggestions?

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Re: Ibanez Tube Screamer TS9 buzz with ISO-5

Post by JulianShur »

If you have the TS9 plugged into you pedal chain, but powered with a 9V battery only, does the hum go away?
Julian Shur
Pedal Junkie/Amateur Circuit Barber

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Re: Ibanez Tube Screamer TS9 buzz with ISO-5

Post by kaudio »

Sorry for the late response.

It seems that the buzz now exists all of the time with the TS9. Battery, old wall wart, ISO-5. For sure there was zero buzz with this particular pedal before I got the ISO-5. Perhaps something malfunctioned with this pedal when it came into contact with the ISO-5? Not sure if that's a possibility? I only plugged into the regular 9v slot with the black cable. If I knew what I was dealing with electronically, I'd open up my TS9 and take a look and see if something looks wrong...but I have no idea what to look for!
The only other issue, I can think of is that the building that I play in, has really crappy power issues. It was one of the reasons I wanted to get the ISO-5, so that I could rule out my own power supply issues. But it was literally an immediate change once I got the ISO-5.

A minor issue too, is that the ISO-5 also seemed to immediately kill my vintage Boss Chorus CE-2's led light. Perhaps the whole system overloaded my pedals in some way? Everything else works fine minus this and the TS9 buzz.

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