Tap Tempo box

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king kong
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Re: Tap Tempo box

Post by king kong »

I put it in set up mode and instant axcess(button 6)and it says 1.gcx-1loop1 but if I hit switch 7(the one I want for tap tempo) it switches utility.I think its just best if I call you after the holidays.I'm afraid to screw up the whole board.

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Re: Tap Tempo box

Post by JohnClark »

You need to press the Select Up and Down buttons to scroll through the Instant Access buttons when programming them.

The number at the far Left indicates the Instant Access button you are editing. So when you saw "1. GCX-1 Loop 1" you were actually looking at the setting for Instant Access button #1. Press the Select Down button to scroll through the Instant access buttons until you get to the button number you want to re-program.

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

king kong
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Re: Tap Tempo box

Post by king kong »

so your saying it needs to read 1.GCX-7 Loop-1?

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Re: Tap Tempo box

Post by JohnClark »

No, if you want to program Instant access button #7, you need to first scroll to button 7...

1. When you see "1. GCX-1 LOOP 1", press the Select Down button repeatedly until the first character changes to a "7". If nothing has changed from the default, it will read "7. GCX-1 LOOP 7"

2. Once you are there, you can press the DATA + button repeatedly until the screen reads "7. CH 1 CC 000" (I do not know what MIDI channel you use to control the GSP 1101... but use the DATA + button to make the "CH" number match the MIDI channel number you use.

3. Press the Cursor Right button once. Now the "CC 000" should be flashing.

4. Press the DATA + Button twice so the CC number changes to "002".

5. Press the Cursor Right button once more.

6. Use the Data +/- buttons to change the screen to read "Momentary"

7. Exit Setup Mode and try the button out... it may not work right away because as mentioned earlier, you will still have to set your GSP 1101 to respond to this button correctly.

Let us know if you get stuck.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

king kong
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Re: Tap Tempo box

Post by king kong »

I'm not sure what you mean by midi channel on the gsp.If you mean what channel my delay is on,on the gsp its 22 but the GCP only goes to 16.I'm missing something here.I tried to call but it sent me to Ben's phone which says I can get help after the 5th,which it's now the 9th so I don't know what's happening.

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Re: Tap Tempo box

Post by JohnClark »


Ben can program anything on a Ground Control Pro except his outgoing phone message :oops:

If you left a message, you will get a call back. If you didn't... well, you won't ;)

p.s. You are mixing up MIDI Channel with Control Change Message Number. Look to the back of the Ground Control Pro manual for the definitions of MIDI Channels and Continuous Control Change messages. Wherever you got "22" from, is likely a Control Change number... however earlier in this thread is a quote from a Digitech Support rep where he says Control Change 2 is what you want... When you get through to Ben, he can show you how to program the Instant Access button, but you may still need to contact Digitech to get the 1101 to respond properly.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

king kong
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Re: Tap Tempo box

Post by king kong »

Between you guys and the support guys at digitech I got this thing running tap tempo.thanks for you help.The only difference was that I didn't do the last step and set it to momentary,it's set at normal.Don't know what this means but it is indeed working in normal.Maybe i'll do the last step to see what it does,but I like the idea of "if it isn't broke don't fix it" :lol:

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