Dingbat "height"

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Dingbat "height"

Post by tg_andersen »

I'm pedalboard shopping and trying to figure what the clearance is from the underside of the medium Dingbat board (against the back end) to the ground? In other words, the "height" near the back of the board from underneath. I think I see footpads included, so it would help to know the height with these included.

Clearly, it is tall enough to fit a Voodoo Lab power supply, which from the product pages appear to be around 1.8". But I will have a separate bulky power adapter (too high of voltage/mA to discard and use a Voodoo Lab power adapter instead) for another effects board that I would like to permanently mount under this board as well, but it's more like 2.5" thick. Just wanting to make sure there is enough height back there to also fit this other adapter.


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Re: Dingbat "height"

Post by JohnClark »

At its tallest point the Dingbat Small, Medium, PX and Large each stand at 2.75" tall (2.5" plus the 1/4" rubber foot).

What is the device you need to power with this separate power adapter?
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: Dingbat "height"

Post by tg_andersen »

@JohnClark: Awesome, thanks for the measurement! My power unit's a bit shy of 2.5" tall so I suspect I should be good if the clearance is ~2.75" tall, even if the height tapers down a bit as you move toward the front of the board.

The extra power adapter is for a Line6 POD X3 Live. I mainly use it for the amp modeling and then have a small collection of pedals for my effects--currently 5 and growing. Some of the Line6 FX are pretty good, but don't hold a candle to dedicated pedals like, say, the Strymon Big Sky.

The X3 Live needs 9V @ 2000mA AC power, which I'm pretty sure is not an option with any of the Voodoo Lab power units...at least not while also providing a decent amount of DC power at the same time.

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