Manual program of GCP and Eleven Rack

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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Manual program of GCP and Eleven Rack

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I met John at NAMM yesterday, video taped the Manual setup of GCP and Eleven Rack & it does not work!
I set for 4 instead of 10 and then the BIG number 1 botton does not work. Banking works but BIG button 2 calls up preset A1, BIG button 3 calls up A2 etc.. The far left BIG ! doesn't work.
Additionally, When I set the CC patches for 1 thru 8, they don't stay (even though I saved them)
I'd like to use my setup for a gig on Saturday Night but I know John is still at the NAMM Show. Can anyone help?

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Re: Manual program of GCP and Eleven Rack

Post by JohnClark »

Remember that this is a "programmable" MIDI foot controller. Any preset that does something other than what you want it to do can likely be programmed to perform the desired function. In this case this all works but the presets are not sending your desired Program Changes to Eleven Rack. This is all covered in the Ground Control Pro manual under Edit Preset in the Assigning MIDI Program changes section but below are some quick steps for you to get under way.

1. Recall any Ground Control Pro preset you want to edit.
2. Press-and-hold the Edit button.
3. Once the Ground Control Pro screen changes enter the desired MIDI Program Change for the device you are controlling.
4. Press the Edit button to save the preset then press the Yes button.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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