Pedal Power 2+ can you daisy chain two pedals from 1 output?

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Pedal Power 2+ can you daisy chain two pedals from 1 output?

Post by lukemarsh »

I have the Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2+ but since it only has 8 outputs I can only use 8 pedals at a time... however, a few of my pedals are small and draw very little current (such as my Mooer pedals that draw around 6mA each) but are integral to my rig so I can't ditch any of them to make way for other pedals that I want to add.

Is it possible to "daisy chain" from one of the power outputs on the PP2+ to power two pedals? Surely, if both pedals are low current draw and are both 9v you could run two pedals off one power output on the PP2+?

Just to clarify things... here's my current pedal lineup:

Korg DT-10 Tuner
DeLisle ABC Signal Splitter
Boss Super Octave
Boss Octave
Marshall Guv'Nor Plus
Electro Harmonix Big Muff Pi
Mooer Noise Killer
Line 6 MM4 (I have had to use this pedals own power supply as there are not enough outputs on the PP2+)
Boss Digital Delay

I was also going to add a Mooer Pure Boost pedal, which is why I want to know if I can chain a couple of the pedals to single outputs, so I can run the whole lot without multiple power supplies.

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Re: Pedal Power 2+ can you daisy chain two pedals from 1 out

Post by JohnClark »

Our Output Splitter Adapter will allow you to power two pedals from a single output as long as the combined current draw of the two pedals is lower than the rated max for the output used. Unlike a standard "Daisy Chain" cable, we lift ground on one side to still help prevent any ground loop problems.

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: Pedal Power 2+ can you daisy chain two pedals from 1 out

Post by chrisg_75 »

A question on this if I can.

The pedals I am trying to run are

Dunlop Univibe
TC Electronic Poly Tune
Vox wah
TS9 Tube Screamer
Joyo Voodoo Octave
Pro Co Rat
MI Audio Dual Drive DIY Kit
I Stomp
TC Electronics Ditto
TC Electronics Flashback x 4

I am running the Dunlop Univibe using voltage doubler cable form outlets 7&8.

I have a couple of the output splitter adapter cables but can only run one pedal from the side of the cable without the white stripe, ie not ground lifted. Why is this ??? I cant run two pedals using this splitter cable.

As I have 10 pedals, one of which is already using two outlets, I need to use these splitters to power the rest and I currently cant for some reason.

Please help.

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Re: Pedal Power 2+ can you daisy chain two pedals from 1 out

Post by JohnClark »

chrisg_75 wrote:A question on this if I can.

The pedals I am trying to run are

Dunlop Univibe
TC Electronic Poly Tune
Vox wah
TS9 Tube Screamer
Joyo Voodoo Octave
Pro Co Rat
MI Audio Dual Drive DIY Kit
I Stomp
TC Electronics Ditto
TC Electronics Flashback x 4

I am running the Dunlop Univibe using voltage doubler cable form outlets 7&8.

I have a couple of the output splitter adapter cables but can only run one pedal from the side of the cable without the white stripe, ie not ground lifted. Why is this ??? I cant run two pedals using this splitter cable.

As I have 10 pedals, one of which is already using two outlets, I need to use these splitters to power the rest and I currently cant for some reason.

Please help.
Are you testing the pedals powered from the Output Splitter Adapter with them connected together with audio cables? For instance, take any two pedals you are powering with the adapter. Connect your guitar to the first pedal then connect the first pedal to the second pedal. Connect the second pedal to the amp.
The lifted ground on the Output Splitter requires that the pedal on the striped leg gets its ground connection through the audio cables.

Let us know how it goes! If you still have trouble, please describe exactly which two pedals you were testing with and which Pedal Power output you were using.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: Pedal Power 2+ can you daisy chain two pedals from 1 out

Post by chrisg_75 »

Thanks heaps. Looked like things worked once everything was plugged in. Not used it having to have everything plugged in to see the light come on.

The Wolves
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Re: Pedal Power 2+ can you daisy chain two pedals from 1 out

Post by The Wolves »

Hi there on this subject I've just amended my set up and some help would be great if possible. I'm hoping to daisy chain 2 of the pedals in order to use 10 in total. I have a standard old boss daisy chain with 3 inputs. Would it be better to buy something you sell?
Any help would be greatly appreciated on which inputs outputs etc.
Here's my set up...

Boss tu2
Xotic sp compression
Turbo rat
Ehx blurst
Boss ch2
Boss ph3
Stone deaf tremotron
Boss dd 6
Line 6 dl4
Boss rv 5

I have a power plus 2!

Many thanks, Bruce

The Wolves
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Re: Pedal Power 2+ can you daisy chain two pedals from 1 out

Post by The Wolves »

Just done a little more research, would it be a better idea to power 4 of these pedals using the Voodoo Lab PPAV Output Splitter Adapter Cable (Ground Lifted)?
If so would it then be OK to use the standard barrel connectors out of these and in to the pedals?

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Re: Pedal Power 2+ can you daisy chain two pedals from 1 out

Post by JohnClark »

The Wolves wrote:Just done a little more research, would it be a better idea to power 4 of these pedals using the Voodoo Lab PPAV Output Splitter Adapter Cable (Ground Lifted)?If so would it then be OK to use the standard barrel connectors out of these and in to the pedals?
The Output Splitter does have a ground lifted side to help prevent any ground loops from occuring. If you already have a daisy chain cable, feel free to try it out... it might just be fine, but you never really know until you combine the pedals. ;)
The Output splitter is designed to work with any of the standard Pedal Power cables to connect to your pedals.

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

The Wolves
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Re: Pedal Power 2+ can you daisy chain two pedals from 1 output?

Post by The Wolves »

Hi there, really appreciate the advice I found here previously. I'm making some adjustments to my set up that uses a pedal power 2+ and would appreciate any more advice. I am hoping to power 11, ideally 12 pedals in the following set up using 2 Voodoo Lab PPAV Output Splitter Adapter Cables as well as 2 pedals chained from my trusty TU 2. I could loose the sub n up octave from the TU 2 chain but I've heard folk say that if the total power is low enough though the chain this might be ok, I'm not sure what power is allowed so any advice would be much appreciated. Here's my pedals, thanks...

Boss TU 2 (daisy chain to comp and octave)
Sp exotic compressor
TC mini sub n up octave
Turbo rat
Keeley loomer
Boss CE 2W
Cog effects phasor 2 clone
Stone deaf tremotron
Mooer e lady flanger
Stone deaf syncopy
Boss dd 6
Alexander space race reverb

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Re: Pedal Power 2+ can you daisy chain two pedals from 1 output?

Post by tokimasa »

Are you using the sub n up mini on a daisy chain already? I believe it requires 100 mA and it’s definitely digital. I just ask because generally a digital pedal with higher current draw will mean you’d want to isolate it. Your chain has other pedals that are analog and low draw that I’d daisy chain instead.

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