Midi chain: Does the GCX has to come first?

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Midi chain: Does the GCX has to come first?

Post by braveheart »

Hi John,

in a a midi chain with a Ground Control Pro,2 Voodoo Lab Pedal Switchers and 3rd party Midi devices like Line6 M13 etc., starting with the Ground Contro pro, does the first device in line have to be the Voodoo Lab Pedal Switchers?

All of the 3rd party devices only have a MIDI out...

Thanks Olly

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Re: Midi chain: Does the GCX has to come first?

Post by JohnClark »

Our switchers don't have to be first, but sometimes other MIDI gear can eat up our messages. Try it out in any order that is most convenient to wire up.

For gear that only has a "MIDI Out", check in their programming menus for setting the MIDI Out as a MIDI Thru.

If all else fails, you can get a MIDI Splitter type box (like a MIDI Solutions Thru or Quadra Thru) to split MIDI paths. to feed our switchers on one path and your Line 6 gear on another.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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