Midi Pins & Communication On Voodoo Lab PX-8

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Midi Pins & Communication On Voodoo Lab PX-8

Post by realdealblues »

I have a midi controller I want to Phantom Power from my PX-8 (Original, not the Plus), problem is that my Midi Controller uses 7 pin and the Voodoo Lab PX-8 is 5 pin.

My understanding "was" that Pins 1 & 3 Carry the power and 2, 4 & 5 carry the messages. I contacted the Midi Controller company and they said a simple crossover connecting Pins 1 & 3 to pins 6 & 7 would supply the phantom power and everything should work fine. So I ordered a special crossover cable and indeed it does Phantom Power the controller, but now they don't communicate anymore :( They communicated fine with a normal 5 midi cable as long as I was supplying power to the Midi Controller separate before switching cables.

So now I'm wondering is the pin out different on the PX-8 or does it somehow use pins 1 & 3 to communicate as well as send power?

Thanks for any info, as I'd love to figure this out. I really wanted to use the Voodoo Lab PX-8 because I literally just want it to be Instant Access for my Midi Controller where I can program the combos as well as be able to use it as a simple pedalboard without midi control but I have been striking out right and left with this project.

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