hopefully simple question

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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hopefully simple question

Post by boogie1 »

Hello all
I have a GCX and GCS, I have seven different amps that I want to be able to bring into the mix either all at once or in stages.
e.g. amp 1= blackface (clean), amp 2=ampeg vl, amp 3=blue voodoo, amp 4=jcm2k, amp 5= 5150, amp 6= dual rec, amp 7=laney vh

GCS 1= amp1, 2= amp2, 3= amp2/3/4, 4= amp2/3/4/5, 5= amp5/6/7, or different combos of amps, nothing fx loops wise, just guitar>amps
hopefully you get the idea, how should I connect these.
Thanks so much :)
hope I havent confused you by my masterful diagram

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Re: hopefully simple question

Post by JohnClark »

I am not too sure what a "GCS" is but that is not important just yet. On the GCX you will need to split a buffered signal once for each amplifier that is to be part of the "all at once" preset. Connecting to the Guitar In will buffer the signal and split it to both the Guitar Out and the rear panel Feedthru. Basically, a 4-way split from the Guitar Out to the Ins of the first four GCX Loops and a 3-way split from the rear panel Feedthru to the Ins of the next three GCX Loops will get you your 7-way split. The Sends of each of these GCX Loops will run to the individual amplifiers. Because this is likely to buzz like crazy, you will need some isolation transformers routed before the inputs of at least six of these amps. This will eliminate the major ground loop issue you will be likely to have.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: hopefully simple question

Post by boogie1 »

Thank you for the reply
the GCS was for ground control "system", should have been "pro". sorry about that, the numbers were examples of the presets and what amps would be in use for that preset. Hooking it up the way you said, would I be able to program any combination of amps at a time.
would the ART Dual Transformer/Isolator Hum Eliminator units be sufficient for the isolation
and maybe Im dense and I apologize for beating this horse, but would the signal path go as follows
guitar in>

guitar out> #1in> #1send to amp...#1out> #2in> #2send to amp...etc...to #4

feed thru> #5in> #5send to amp..#5out>#6in> #6 send to amp etc....to #8
is this correct or no
Again, thanks :D

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Re: hopefully simple question

Post by JohnClark »

You must split the signal multiple ways in order to feed all 7 GCX Loop Inputs. The GCX Loop Outs will not work for this. The method I described above will give you total flexibility for any combination of these seven amplifiers you can come up with. The ART isolation transformer looks to be the right thing.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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