GCX Question for the Experts - Y Cables?.

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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GCX Question for the Experts - Y Cables?.

Post by noah330 »


I use a GCX switcher and a GCP to control it. I really like the system and have used it all over the place for a few years, although I started with the old foot switch.

I have a question that I was hoping someone could help with.

I see on pp 6 in the GCX manual:

Example 3. Splitting to more than two devices using Y-cables:

Because GCX feed thru's have low impedance outputs, you can drive multiple
devices from each output. In this example, the guitar signal passes to all four
devices using two Y-cables.

When I am traveling I use two amplifiers and I believe they set it up using Feed through 1 to amp 1 and 2 to the second amp.

When I'm home I have my rack (which holds only pedals) in my studio. I have four amplifiers.

I would love to have a cable in each amp. I don't want to use anything at the same time, I just want to avoid having to walk over and unplug one amp and plug the other in.

Question 1 -

Can I buy 2 Y cables and run 4 cables out of the GCX - one to each amp, turn on the amp I want to use and have it sound good?

Question 2- Should I buy 2 Stereo to Mono Y Cables or 2 Mono to Mono Y cables?

Thanks for any/all help.

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Re: GCX Question for the Experts - Y Cables?.

Post by JohnClark »

I suppose two standard Y Cables will do the trick, however you may get a ground loop buzz when connecting this way. The ground loop can be solved with isolation transformers or by lifting the audio ground in the necessary places, but it would seem to me that if there is a ground loop the easiest solution would be to simply run a single cable and plug into the one amp you will be using at any given time.

A Y Cable has mono ends at all three points and is used to split a single mono source to two mono destinations.

An Insert Cable has a Stereo end that breaks out the two unique signals to two separate mono connections.

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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