Old voodoo labs chorus pedal and gator board

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Old voodoo labs chorus pedal and gator board

Post by kcavazzi »

Hi recently purchased a used voodoo labs chorus pedal not realizing it required a 3.5Mm mini-plug jack. Does or can voodoo labs make a cable that can connect a 3.5M min plug jack into a gator G-bus 8 pedal power supply. The 9 volt connection on the gator board looks like the headphone jack on an IPOD. Thanks alot

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Re: Old voodoo labs chorus pedal and gator board

Post by JohnClark »

The only mini plug we carry is the 1/8" (3.5mm) one that mates with the older Voodoo Lab pedals and also older MXR, DOD, and Ibanez pedals. You will likely have better luck contacting Gator for the proper cable for your needs as it is important that the polarity and connector fit are correct.

Good Luck!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: Old voodoo labs chorus pedal and gator board

Post by Kev5150 »

Or you can just buy a Pedal Power 2+ and save yourself from needless headaches concerning powering your pedals.


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