I´ve got two GCX Switcher & Ground Control units...

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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Re: I´ve got two GCX Switcher & Ground Control units...

Post by Al_Sur »

First of all, thank you very much John.

The Power Supply is working. I tried the GCPro with a other MIDI Looper and it worked.
With the power supply only in GCPro, GCPro will not turn on. It have to have one unit midi with the midi cable connected.

Some mates from U2Sound-Forum said that... about control two GCX Switcher...


"GCX Question - I am going to be running two different GCX units. I was searching through the manual and see how to connect the two, but I cannot figure out how to assign Loops 9-16 (the second batch from GCX #2). The GCX can only be used on channel 16, so I am assuming my All Access will recognize the two GCX as one on channel 16. The GCX manual gives controller #'s 80-87 for the first 8 loops, so can anyone point me in the direction of the next 8? Is it simply 88-95?"

"Just spoke with Voodoo Lab. It will require a new chip to be installed (creatively called the GCX #2 chip). This will then have assigned control numbers of 88-95. The chip costs ~$25 US."

"They send you the basic chip and instructions. Sound like a plug and play."

"Received Chip #2. Very easy install. Open up the GCX then simply take original chip out and push new chip in."

All this is on the enlargement to 16 loops... all of this about two GCX Switcher.

On the other hand, I still have to resolve the connection of the two GC Pro also.

Thanks a lot.

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Re: I´ve got two GCX Switcher & Ground Control units...

Post by JohnClark »

Power issue:

What is the power supply you are using? It should be 9V AC and at least 500mA for the Ground Control Pro.

U2Sound-Forum stuff:

That is all true, but only if you are NOT using a Ground Control as the controller. As they mention, that guy was using an All Access as the foot controller.

As I stated before, the Ground Control Pro can control up to 4 GCX switchers. No mods are necessary to do this when using the Ground Control Pro.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: I´ve got two GCX Switcher & Ground Control units...

Post by Al_Sur »

What is the power supply you are using? It should be 9V AC and at least 500mA for the Ground Control Pro.
The power supply I´m using is the same that Ground Control Pro brought.

It is as if the "Midi In" of Ground Control Pro was not activated, therefore, does not activate the "Midi Out" of second Ground Control Pro.
Information from GC Pro does not pass by the midi cable, therefore, that second GC Pro does not turn on.

For the GCXs: A single Ground Control Pro can control up to 4 GCX switchers. Have you enabled GCX #2 within Setup Mode on the Ground Control?

1. Press both Setup buttons at the same time.
2. Press the Expanders button.
3. Make sure GCX-1 is On. (The Yes and No buttons change this)
4. Press the Bank Down button.
5. Make sure GCX-2 is On. (The Yes and No buttons change this)
6. Press either Setup button, then press the Yes button to exit Setup Mode.
It´s done.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: I´ve got two GCX Switcher & Ground Control units...

Post by Al_Sur »

Some photos explanatory...

This is how the GCP are connected...


Changing the connection GCP...


As an example here I try another Midi Looper...


It shows how the GCP #2 was activated





The problem seems to be at the junction of two GCP midi.
It is as if the "Midi In" of Ground Control Pro was not activated, therefore, does not activate the "Midi Out" of second Ground Control Pro.
Information from GC Pro does not pass by the midi cable, therefore, that second GC Pro does not turn on.

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Re: I´ve got two GCX Switcher & Ground Control units...

Post by Al_Sur »

The point is that a GCP which is connected with the GCX works, and the other GCP is off, even with power supply.

and vice versa... changing units.

Both units works but together not.

The GCP connected to the GCX works and the other is off, always.

I'm blocked man...

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Re: I´ve got two GCX Switcher & Ground Control units...

Post by JohnClark »

The Power Supply is working. I tried the GCPro with a other MIDI Looper and it worked.
With the power supply only in GCPro, GCPro will not turn on. It have to have one unit midi with the midi cable connected.
I would take this to mean that the power supply is in fact NOT working. If the Ground Control Pro can be powered from every method except the power supply, well that lets us know the Ground Control Pro works. So I ask again... does the Ground Control Pro power up with the power supply when no MIDI cables are connected to it?
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: I´ve got two GCX Switcher & Ground Control units...

Post by Al_Sur »

"does the Ground Control Pro power up with the power supply when no MIDI cables are connected to it?"

Oh man... Yes, I´ve fixed it. Change the power supply. Two GCP works.

Sorry John. The power supply tricked me because it worked with 5 pin midi cable when I did the test...

one step done.

"1. Press both Setup buttons at the same time.
2. Press the Expanders button.
3. Make sure GCX-1 is On. (The Yes and No buttons change this)
4. Press the Bank Down button.
5. Make sure GCX-2 is On. (The Yes and No buttons change this)
6. Press either Setup button, then press the Yes button to exit Setup Mode."

this step is done in both GCP.


GCP#1 is Master and GCP#2 is Slave.
When I proceed to communicate both units...

Set up mode
select down
xmit mem y/n

GCP#1 message "SENDING MIDI" and GCP#2 message "SLAVE ERROR"

Thanks so much, John.

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Re: I´ve got two GCX Switcher & Ground Control units...

Post by JohnClark »

Glad to see you now have power!

The Slave Error message is likely because you are incorrectly trying to send the second Ground Control Pro a bulk memory dump from the first Ground Control Pro. If you do want to do a memory dump, you must have the second Ground Control Pro set to "RECEIVE MEM" before pressing the Yes button on the one that says "X-MIT MEM".
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: I´ve got two GCX Switcher & Ground Control units...

Post by Al_Sur »

Thanks John for your help!!


Now, 8 switch of GCP #1 controls 8 loops of GCX #1 and GCP #2 controls GCX #2.

So now what I need is to program the presets... :? I hope that this way is now easier.

About one week of work... POWER SUPPLY!!!! :oops: :oops:

Thanks John again.

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Re: I´ve got two GCX Switcher & Ground Control units...

Post by JohnClark »

So i have to ask... what are you building there? Ultimate studio perhaps? Looks like quite a setup from the lower view of those racks. What are those two outlet (at least on the front panel ;)...) power supplies?
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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