Racking Delay pedals, still need to hear delay trail-offs :)

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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Re: Racking Delay pedals, still need to hear delay trail-off

Post by Kev5150 »

If you still plan on using a Boss LS-2 then you will need to have something connected to the INPUT of the pedal (LS-2) in order for it to function. If you only have cables connected to the LS-2 returns the power circuit won't be completed and the pedal will not power up.

Good luck,


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Re: Racking Delay pedals, still need to hear delay trail-off

Post by giantkiller »

Thanks for the tip. I had considered that, and thought I would either use a dummy connector, or open up the LS-2 and solder a jumper in place. I am not above making my gear work for me, and not the other way around.

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Re: Racking Delay pedals, still need to hear delay trail-off

Post by JohnClark »

I believe you would want to use the LS-2 in this way:

1. Set the LS-2 to the B <-> Bypass mode.
2. Connect the "dry" signal to the Input of the LS-2.
3. Connect the LS-2 Send B to the In of the GCX Loop that will control the delay.
4. Connect the Send of this GCX Loop to the Input of the delay.
5. Connect the delay Output to the LS-2 Return B.
6. Connect the LS-2 Output to... wherever you want the now mixed signal to go ;)

Let us know if that does the trick!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: Racking Delay pedals, still need to hear delay trail-off

Post by giantkiller »


I have successfully acheived delay spillover with the following signal chain, within FX Loop of Amp:

0) Amp FX Send to Loop 1 IN
1) Split signal at Loop 1 OUT (soldered jumpers internally connecting Loop 1 OUT to Loop 2 IN, plugged Cable into Loop 1 OUT)
2) Cable from Loop 1 OUT to RET A of LS-2 (set to "A+B Mixed")
3) Loop 2 SEND to DD-6 input (set for Effect only output)
4) DD-6 output (Delay only) to RET B of LS-2
5) Dummy connector to LS-2 input (necessary to power on LS-2)
6) LS-2 Output to Amp FX Return

DD-6 Effect Level set to Max, LS-2 Loop Level A set to noon for unaffected dry signal, Loop Level B (Delay signal) blended to taste. Works just like parallel processing on a mixing board, and sounds more pristine than counting on the DD-6 to handle the signal mixing on its own. It also only employs about half of the total Boss buffers that would have been used had I used all of the in and outs of the LS-2. Now my delay soaked butt-rock solos don't hit a brick wall when the clean, chorused verse comes back around. Happy camper

edit: I should note in case it's not clear that activating Loop 2 turns on delay. Loop 1 in my case is an ISP gate. My full chain: guitar > compressor > ISP guitar signal detect > Deja Vibe > OD > Amp Input > Amp Send > CE-2 > ISP gate > split to DD-6 and LS-2 A > DD-6 to LS-2 B > LS-2 Out > Amp Return.

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