Midi Control of Video?

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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Midi Control of Video?

Post by planethood »

Does anyone out there use their GCP to control the parameters of a video player on their computer? I'm hoping to find an easy-to-use program (e.g. quicktime) that responds to midi messages so I can control my laptop at live shows. Thus, I will be able to start/stop videos loaded in the player at the click of a switch.

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Re: Midi Control of Video?

Post by gerax »

An easy way could be to use a standard DAW (i.e. Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase) and import a video file as a video track into a session. Then set the DAW up to receive MTC and MMC from the GC pedal...(you'll need and audio interface compatile with the DAW and capable to receive MIDI commands from outside peripherals).
I guess once you've worked out the kinks of the setup it should work.

Hope this helps

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Re: Midi Control of Video?

Post by planethood »

"you'll need and audio interface compatile with the DAW and capable to receive MIDI commands from outside peripherals"

Can you provide some examples? Thanks!

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Re: Midi Control of Video?

Post by gerax »

I use Pro Tools, so whatever Digidesign/Avid interface will work. As simple as an Mox2 which has MIDI ports. Then in the DAW you set it up to accept MIDI commands in the synchronization page. Should work

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Re: Midi Control of Video?

Post by dawesy1986 »

this interests me too
i'm nowhere near getting into this type of setup, but i'm interested and was thinking it could be done by attaching the video to the song in protools or similar.

the problem then would be, how to send the video to a projector, while still being able to leave the session open to tweak samples and create stupid noises during the performance?

any ideas guys?

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