Another odd question - can the GCP be moved from one MIDI based rig/set-up to another MIDI based rig/set-up and recognize the previously programmed IA's and so forth from each of those independent rigs? For instance, I'll be setting my GCP and EB VP Jr.25k up with the Axe-Ultra, great. Can I also take my GCP/EBVPJr.25K and move it over to my Eventide setup and have it remember the commands coming from that system?
The rig does not necessarily send any messages... the origin of the MIDI messages is the Ground Control Pro.
You can certainly name your MIDI devices within the Ground Control Pro then create presets that will work with the specific rigs. For instance, preset banks 1-7 could be for one rig while preset banks A-F could be for a different rig.
The things you control with the Instant Access buttons will need to be set to respond to the same Control Change messages on the two "rigs". The Instant Access buttons are global so if you set Instant Access button 1 to send Control Change 3 on MIDI Channel 1, you will need to set both "rigs" up to respond to that message.
I hope that helps!
You can certainly name your MIDI devices within the Ground Control Pro then create presets that will work with the specific rigs. For instance, preset banks 1-7 could be for one rig while preset banks A-F could be for a different rig.
The things you control with the Instant Access buttons will need to be set to respond to the same Control Change messages on the two "rigs". The Instant Access buttons are global so if you set Instant Access button 1 to send Control Change 3 on MIDI Channel 1, you will need to set both "rigs" up to respond to that message.
I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------