GCP - Possible to do an 8 button mode?

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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GCP - Possible to do an 8 button mode?

Post by jimosity »

I know I can use either the 4 button or 10 button mode; but is there any chance of doing some kind of 8 button mode? I really only need 4 instant access buttons and more than 4 preset buttons; so it'd be better if I could have 8 preset buttons with 4 instant access buttons.

Is there a way to accomplish this?

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Re: GCP - Possible to do an 8 button mode?

Post by nyteowl »

There may be something new in development, but currently there is no way to configure a GCPro to do 8-Presets with 4 IA Buttons.

Quite frankly, I think the powers that be at Voodoo Lab are really missing the boat here, as there are too many other MIDI foot controllers on the market that offer a lot more versatility than the GCPro does at a comparable price point. An updated model is definitely long overdue.
For Sale: Original DMC GCX in Excellent Condition ($275) and a far more versatile SoundSculpture GL also in Excellent Condition ($1750). Free CONUS Shipping.

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