Help before my gig.

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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Help before my gig.

Post by Wyldechild13 »

So I have run into a snag. Here is my setup

EVH 5150 III 50w
Pigtronix Echolution 2

I am trying to hook everything up so that the GCPro will control the EVH channel switching and preset changes on the Echolution 2. When I have the MIDI out of the GCX going into either the 5150 III or Echolution 2, it changes presets perfectly. How do I wire them both up to be able to change presets and channels separately? Do I send the MIDI out of the Echolution 2 into the 5150 III? Please help me, it is much appreciated.
Monster Power Pro 2500
Line 6 Relay G90
Korg Pitchblack Pro
Voodoo Lab GCX
- Ibanez TS-9
- MXR M-169
- MXR M-169
EVH 5150 III 50w
EVH 5150 III 2x12

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Re: Help before my gig.

Post by JohnClark »

Yes, you can run the MIDI Out of the Echolution 2 to the MIDI In of the 50W 5150III. (You may need a firmware update for the Echolution 2 to allow it to send all MIDI data thru as mentioned here... in the October 2014 post)

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: Help before my gig.

Post by Wyldechild13 »

It seems as if I have run into more problems. So I am running the MIDI from the Echolution 2 into the EVH 5150 III. The GCPro doesn't seem to recognize that they are separate MIDI devices, and when changing presets on the Echolution 2 it also changes the channels on the EVH. Hmm...
Monster Power Pro 2500
Line 6 Relay G90
Korg Pitchblack Pro
Voodoo Lab GCX
- Ibanez TS-9
- MXR M-169
- MXR M-169
EVH 5150 III 50w
EVH 5150 III 2x12

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Re: Help before my gig.

Post by JohnClark »

Do you have both MIDI devices named in the Ground Control Pro in the Device Name/Channel list with each one on its own MIDI channel, or do you just use MIDI Channel 1 to control both devices?

Because of the way the 50 Watt 5150III tries to learn the MIDI Channel, it can be a little difficult to get it to listen to the correct MIDI Channel if you are using a Ground Control Pro pro presets that are programmed to control multiple devices at once.
For instance, if you wanted to control the 50 Watt 5150III on MIDI Channel 5, you would need to be sure to only send Program Changes on MIDI Channel 5 when setting which Program Change messages recall the different amp channels.

If you are pressed for time, you may want to try to give us a call while you are in front of the rig.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: Help before my gig.

Post by Wyldechild13 »

I have it set up with each MIDI device named and set on different MIDI channels. When would be the best time to call, and what is the best number to reach you guys at? PM me, and I really appreciate your time.
Monster Power Pro 2500
Line 6 Relay G90
Korg Pitchblack Pro
Voodoo Lab GCX
- Ibanez TS-9
- MXR M-169
- MXR M-169
EVH 5150 III 50w
EVH 5150 III 2x12

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Re: Help before my gig.

Post by JohnClark »

Weekdays between 10AM and 5PM pacific time at (707) 545-0600. I talked to Ben about your rig so he knows you may be calling.

If you want to try it out, what we are going to have you do is program three unused presets (like Bank Z Presets 1, 2, and 3) and program them so Preset 1 will send Program Change 01, Preset 2 will send Program Change 02, and Preset 3 will send Program Change 03 only to the 50 Watt 5150III.... set each preset to "--" for the Echolution 2.
After that you will program the amp to respond to these three presets so they recall the same numbered amp channel... Preset 1 for Amp Channel 1, Preset 2 for Amp Channel 2, and Preset 3 for Amp Channel 3.

Once that is all programmed you should only program what you want the amp to do on your Ground Control Pro by going into the edit mode for any preset and entering the number of the Amp Channel you want the amp to go to. If for some reason the amp gets out of sync again in the future you would simply go back up to the three presets in Bank Z and use them to re-train the amp.

Good Luck!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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